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With over 30 years as a family physician and more than 15 years as a healing consultant, Dr. Nelie knows and acknowledges the vital role of medical treatment. And she has come to know and understand the equally vital role of the patient participating in their own inner healing. She shares her breakthrough knowledge of self-healing in her writing and speaking, in seminars, workshops and private consultations that offer insights and simple, powerful tools and processes for identifying and clearing emotional and mental patterns that contribute to stress, illness and disease.
She adds her voice to shifting the current paradigm and delivering the message of self-healing. She has presented workshops for both the BC College and Alberta College of Family Physicians.
May 1st, 2010 she brought together Dr. Bruce Lipton, Adam ‘Dreamhealer’ McLeod, herself and other healers for a one day forum “It’s Time to Heal”, to explore the science of healing and an expanded health care model.
Dr. Johnson has a special interest in helping women with breast cancer and has produced a DVD “ It’s Time to Heal Breast Cancer: going from surviving to healing ” Alongside her healing work, Dr. Johnson practices medicine in walk-in clinics.
She encourages patients to continue medical therapies and do their own inner emotional healing. She says “ We are the very expert we are seeking for our health care team and our very own healer. ‘’
Upcoming Events:
Free Seminar – “ 3 Biggest Blocks to Getting and Staying Healthy: what you need to Know NOW! “
Date: Tuesday, March 18th at 7 PM
Location: Eternal Abundance Cafe, 1025 Commercial Dr, Vancouver
Cost: Minimum purchase of tea and cookie for $5
To register: Phone 604-707-0088
Are you feeling stuck about a health issue? Not sure what to do next? There is help. In this seminar, Dr. Nelie Johnson reveals the 3 main obstacles and how to get past them to get on your path of healing.
Workshop – “ Breakthroughs in Healing: Resetting Your Life for Health, Harmony and Happiness “
Date: Friday evening/ all day Saturday, April 11th and 12th
Location: private home near Dunbar and 29th in Vancouver
Wondering where and how to begin making positive changes in your health? In this one and 1/2 day workshop, find relief for your worry and feel empowered to make a real difference to your health and happiness. Step out confidently and effectively on your path of healing. Visit for more details and registration.
Register at the seminar event, March 18th, or online at link above.
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