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Salvadore Poe,
Until the age of 39, New Yorker Salvadore Poe lived a life as a professional musician-composer, making albums, performing and touring the USA with his rock band and all the while indulging in drugs and alcohol. One morning in 1997, after a particularly long night of indulgence, he suddenly came to point of total despair, feeling completely hopeless and that he had ruined his life. At that moment, and in total desperation, he was literally thrust to his knees in an anguished cry for help, and then fell asleep.
Three hours later he woke up and his life was different. Drugs and alcohol were spontaneously finished and a new course was set. He walked to a bookshop, bought books by a few spiritual teachers he had heard about and decided to dedicate himself entirely to finding truth and enlightenment, at whatever cost. For the next 8 years, Salvadore sought out the most authentic spiritual masters throughout the world, including the famed iconoclast U.G. Krishnamurti and Douglas Harding, as well as several other teachers. He lived and meditated in India for many years with enlightened masters Ajja and Siva Shakti Ammaiyar. During these years, many powerful and insightful spiritual experiences occurred, but liberation eluded him. At a final point of frustration, he heard of a teacher named Dolano living in Pune, India and knew he had to go. On the first day of this meeting he realized the truth of who he is. He came to know his true nature clearly and without doubt. What he had come to believe was so grand and difficult to attain had been here all along. All that was wrong was his view; a shift of vision and clear investigation into what is false was all that was needed to plant the seed of liberation.
After having had so many incredible experiences on the path, the only experiences he had now were great relief and deep gratitude.
What he came to know is that this ordinary person, whom he had spent his life, first in the ‘mundane’ world and then in the ‘spiritual’ world, trying to liven up, improve, avoid, hide from and ultimately transcend, this very ordinary person never needed to be anything other than it is. It did not have to be famous, nor did it have to be the Buddha. And it did not have to be spiritual either.
He had always been home but didn’t know it. He found that liberation, which he had sought for years, was always already the case, it was here the whole time, it just had to be discovered, like a hidden treasure in his own back yard.
Since then Salvadore has been living an ordinary life in India and America. Because of his rare and unusual clarity, directness and power, he has been asked to share with others. His authenticity and humility are a true inspiration.
Sal’s approach is a very direct and life-changing inquiry into truth. It is spontaneous and emerges from his own liberated life and view. Free of dogma, tradition or conceptualization, it compels the individual to openly inquire and discover what is true directly for themselves.
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