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Miceal joins us to discuss how misunderstandings of the mission and teachings of Jesus have impeded our ability to access our superconscious & manifest miracles in our lives and the world.
Exploring Jesus: was he a wandering Religious Teacher, Suffering Savior & Mystical Idealist or Master of the Quantum Field and the Programming of the Superconscious? – Unveiling this Mystery, and its Profound Consequences give us new insights for our empowerment as individuals and a fresh, more powerful vision of why we are in this world. What may we expect as the result of a successful living of our lives according to the new insights into reality – the very heart of Remembrance.
Dr. Ledwith’s background is an uncommon blend of conventional and ancient wisdom teachings and science. Today we are at the crossroads where all these things meet. Dr. Ledwith shares his insights with charm, wit, humour and intelligence. His extensive knowledge spans the gap between the Vatican, and Ancient Wisdom – his journey is one of truth. He has been an adviser to the Pope, a professor of theology for 25 years and president of a school in Ireland. His ability to make the uncommon accessible, is proven by the standing ovation he received at a recent Prophets Conference at the SFU campus.
Follow Up Event:
Contact – Karen Elkins
Science to Sage
Remembrance of Miracles and Sacred Sounds
November 12th is an evening where convention, science and the sage meet. Dr. Miceal Ledwith will be speaking on Remembrance of Miracles and who we are. Saturday’s topic is on liberation and the Super Conscious Mind. Musical inspiration will be Matthew Kocel a shamanic throat singing, with overtone chants. Theta Phoenix will close the evening with her angelic voice that is ethereal.
The Friday lecture is offered FREE to teens that are accompanied by a paying parent, and 1/2 price for youth on Saturday. Friday evening has a special offer to our youth. We are offering and creating a bridge for our youth to connect and co-create for a sustainable new paradigm. Supporting organization are – Be the Change, The New Energy Movement, Emissary for Nassim Harriam, West Coast Rieke Centre, Teen Journey, Technology Corporative, Ayan Health Corporative, and Innovators Josef Tyles and Imran Dhanji.
Friday, November 12, 7:30, $25, Lecture Remembrance and Miracles and Sacred Sound – Teens Free
Saturday, November 13, 10-5pm Workshop $79 – Liberate Your Mind to the Super Conscious – Teens Half Price
Tickets at Banyen and on- line at:
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