Remote Viewing & Near Death Experiences – Paul Elder

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Interview with Paul Elder – Wednesday March 25th, 6-630 PM on 102.7 FM

Ever heard of Remote Viewing or Project Star Gate?  — Paul Elder hadn’t, at least not until a series of near death experiences opened a psychic doorway for him.  Now, Paul finds himself holding company with the world’s top remote viewers, former Pentagon Directors and “Top Secret” military intelligence officers.  This story reads like fiction but is FACT! Author of the acclaimed book, Eyes of an Angel, Elder is a former CTV news reporter and mayor of a Canadian city.   He is also a survivor of three near-death experiences — a drowning at the age of 12, a car accident at 17, and a heart attack at the age of 41.  Following his near-death encounters Elder’s life was further rocked by a series of spontaneous out-of-body experiences — experiences which would lead him to a life of psychic intrigue he could not even have imagined. 

Due in part to his many extraordinary excursions while participating in consciousness exploration programs at the world famous Monroe Institute in Virginia, Elder was introduced to some mysterious people involved in paranormal research — some at high levels of security within the U.S. Government’s  ‘Top Secret’ military intelligence ‘psychic spying program’ known as Project Star Gate.   As a result of these connections, Paul began training with several of the original Army Intelligence Remote Viewing Officers employed in the previously Top Secret unit.  Having completed an extensive training program with army remote viewer, David Morehouse, author of Psychic Warrior,  Elder went on to train with army remote viewer, Lyn Buchanan, author of Seventh Sense, and with Star Gate’s former Pentagon Director, Dale Graff. In recognition of his abilities in remote viewing, Elder was recruited several years ago as a trainer at the Monroe Institute in Virginia where he teaches Remote Viewing classes with former army officer, Skip Atwater.  Atwater, the Director of Research at the Institute, was formerly known as Captain Fred Atwater, none other than the original Recruiting and Operations Officer for Project Star Gate.   At the Institute, Elder also works with former decorated army officer, Joe McMoneagle, one of Star Gate’s longest serving officers. McMoneagle is purported to be one of the greatest remote viewers in the world. He is the author of several books including Star Gate Chronicles, Remote Viewing Secrets, and Mind Trek. Remaining in awe of his famous peers, Elder confides that he is still amazed that such people even exist, much less contemplating that he actually knows and works with them.

Paul lives on Vancouver Island and spends his time writing, teaching, and speaking throughout the United States and Canada on the subject of Remote Viewing and the phenomenon of near-death and out-of-body experiences.   

By Sherry Heyliger

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