A Planetary Vision of Shamanism with Gretchen Andersen and Monyca Bouras

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Monyca has been a student and practitioner of Shamanism since 1993. She has shared her passion and depth of knowledge of this path with students which has inspired many to study and explore the realm of Shamanism. She has specialized in area of healing, harmonizing and counseling for more than 13 years; which has been supported by her continuous studies with masters from different shamanic traditions around the world. Monyca has also studied and worked with Carlos de Leon since 1994; where she has studied and trained in chi kung, psycho-corporal therapy, healing and meditation.

She is also a student of the Apache Shaman Morgan Eagle Bear and has combined and deepened her experience with other tools such as muscle therapy from the OrganitySchool, created by Ma Satya Puja,. Monyca has been appointed one of the two qualified instructors to continue this teaching in México. Since 1995 she has studied, practiced and translated for great masters from important spiritual lineages. Amongst which the most prominent Teachers are: H.H. Drukchen Rinpoche, Lopon Tenzin Namdak, Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and Ma Satya Puja.

Monyca has been teaching a full ‘One Year Shamanic Training Program’ since 1994; while she has been actively doing therapeutic healing work with personal clients. Her individual work in Mexico and other countries includes; cleansings, space healings and for individuals, healing from a distance working through photos, assisting families in the death and dying process through Phowa and a Ceremony of Light. Monyca also offers general spiritual development counseling, and performs fire ceremonies for spiritual cleansing of complex family (or other) very difficult situations. She is fully bilingual in English and Spanish.

Gretchen Andersen
Has been sharing her gift as a teacher in Mexico and other parts of the world for the last twenty-eight years. During this time she has researched, studied and practiced with profound teachers from around the world; a multi-disciplinary paths of healing and spiritual development for growth in consciousness and energy management.

In the field of Shamanism and Healing, she has studied with prominent teachers such as Carlos Castenada and Carlos de Leon, and trained in meditation techniques from the Tibetan schools of Dzoggchen, Mahamudra, Tantric Shaivism and Kabalah. She has also studied with Chinese Masters in Martial Arts and Chi Kung, and she practices and teaches a sequential plan of Chi Kung, the 7 Lotus Form. Gretchen is a Psychotherapeutic Body Workers trained in Psycho-Energetics Therapies, Postural Integrations, and Hypnosis, and is a  member of the Ontogonic School of Psychotherapy. Gretchen Andersen is a graduate in Aesthetics and Art Education, from the University of Santa Cruz, California. She found herself on a magical journey, which brought her to Mexico over thirty years ago, which she now calls home.

The Shamanic Healing Journey with Gretchen Andersen and Monyca Bouras July 13 -20, 2008

8 Days / 7 Nights Intensive Residential Retreat

White Pines Dojo, Slocan Valley, BC

Open to Everyone ~ No Pre-Requisites Required!

Space in this retreat is limited to 40 participants.

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