About Us

Conscious Living Radio is a program that explores alternative paradigms emerging in psychology, health, various sciences, community building, education, and various philosophies that challenge the modernist outlook and the institutional forms that express it.

Thematically it reflects the orientation of the new consciousness that emerged out of the 60s counterculture and has been growing ever since. It is a consciousness that views the need for profound social transformation, recognizing that personal transformation is integral to that. It will give voice to those searching to create a new culture, one that embodies different values than the consumerist ones that dominate Western, modern society. They are values that ultimately can be defined as being spiritual as opposed to material.

The format consists primarily of interviews, mostly live, some pre-recorded, with various authors, teachers, workshop facilitators, theorists and therapists, both local and visiting. Music is used only for transitional purposes. There is a small segment devoted to some interesting news, inspirational quotes and informational tidbits as a break at the half hour, beginning or end.

AndrewAndrew Rezmer M.Sc – Producer of Conscious Living Radio,

Andrew has been involved in radio productions since 1979.

He also has contributed to the production of a TV show, published a newspaper as well as a business directory for the Polish community in Vancouver.

Andrew is passionate about self-development, spirituality, psychology, philosophy, holistic health, environment and community building initiatives.

Email: Andrew @ ConsciousLivingRadio.org

Tasha SimmsTasha Simms M.A. M.P.C.A
Tasha is a Registered Professional Counsellor and holds a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology. Her private practice is in downtown Vancouver where she works with both couples and individuals. www.AuthenticSelfCounselling.com
Tasha loves designing and facilitating personal growth workshops for diverse groups and businesses. She weaves her skills as a working actor, writer and motivational speaker with her creative, body centered therapeutic approach to teach passionate expression and acceptance of the Authentic Self. Her focus on healthy communication and conscious leadership inspires individuals, couples and organizations to be the best they can be and flourish.
Trained in a variety of disciplines including Family Systems Theory, Gestalt, as well as cognitive and Psycho/Spiritual orientations, she has been practicing the principles of A Course in Miracles for over 20 years. She is known as a mentor with integrity who has taught many individuals as well as counsellors, locally and internationally to embrace their birthright of a life of passionate purpose, joyfully human yet in perfect alignment with their spirit.      As a certified Master Neuro Linguistic Programming facilitator trained in body work, energy healing and hypnotherapy, her contribution to support this integration is an audio series called Body Awareness Training. http://www.authenticselfcounselling.com/
The training includes a sensory meditation designed to wake up feelings in the body, encourage self –knowledge and acceptance and also to invite a deep experience of the Divine Essence that is at the core of us all. Tasha’s curiosity, compassion and juicy celebration of life are just some of the gifts she brings to her commitment to be of service.
Her history in radio makes co-hosting at Conscious Living Radio feel like coming home. Tasha was one of the first female DJ’s on-air in Canada in the mid-day spot in rock n roll radio at Q-107 FM Toronto.  Email: Tasha @ ConsciousLivingRadio.org  Email: Tasha @ ConsciousLivingRadio.org

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