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Conscious Matrix, Brad Johnson

This research was astonishing to Brad and he could feel through himself that he was beginning a transformation. These discoveries enabled him to take up a personal journey relating to the exploration of spirituality and consciousness teachings. Brad decided to put his novel aside and devote his focus towards a pursuit that had been lacking throughout his entire life: re-gaining his spiritual connection to all things.

Buddha Rave with Navi Gill

Buddha Rave with Navi Gill

Buddha Rave is an inspiration towards a new wave of consciousness leading to healthy living without the need for drugs or alcohol. This movement creates an alternative approach to entertainment for people to come together in natural enthusiasm, celebratio

Intention Retreat, Tall Paul

Intention Retreat, Tall Paul

Intention is a five-day, four-night event where participants of all ages dance, play, share, perform, learn, eat and have fun together. It includes dance parties, numerous workshops, live music jams, a talent show/cabaret, a tribal market, opening & closi