Kirtan practice involves chanting hymns or mantras to the accompaniment of instruments such as the harmonium, tablas, the two-headed mrdanga or pakawaj drum, and karatal hand cymbals.
Salvador Poe’s shares with rare and unusual clarity, directness and power. He has been asked to share with others. His authenticity and humility are a true inspiration.
Which APO E gene are you? It is the number one factor affecting how your body uses carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Eating the right balance and types of food for your hereditary APO E gene improves overall health and prevents serious diseases like…
With over 16 years of dedicated experience and understanding of the inner workings of the human body, David is a true living master of what it means to “walk the talk” on the road to higher and higher levels of natural beauty, vibrant health, and …..