uper Energetics is about accessing the vibrant, alivening power of you as a streaming flow of limitless energy and potential. Move beyond emotional processing into the art of quantum emotion … emotion as the fuel for potential and forward movement
MAKING MIRACLES—Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World, Consciousness, time, quantum science and God all woven together in an amazing, collaborative experiment that pushes the boundaries of human potential. Curious?
Are you too hard on yourself? Do you feel like you never have enough time? Are you stuck in a pattern you cannot break no matter how hard you try? If so, you are caught in the Frustration Cycle, and you are getting nowhere fast.
Jessica Mason-Paull is the incumbent Slammaster for the Vancouver Poetry Slam, who will begin her term after the VIP Festival. She has been an active participant and organizer for Van Slam for years, often housing traveling poets at East Van’s venerable Foxy House. She has designed costumes professionally, run non-profit organizations and founded a federal political party/ dance night called the Work Less Party.