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Post Riot: What Now? – Tasha Simms

Post Riot: What Now? – Tasha Simms

Vancouver Riots – Who is responsible? Is this a call for punishment or forgiveness? And what are we called to stand for in the midst of such a painful day in Vancouver’s history. While so many feel helpless in the face of this situation we will talk ….

Teen Journey 2011

Teen Journey 2011

Teen Journey – A journey to the wisdom of the heart to find who we are

Teen Journey is a global community of dedicated, loving and conscious people who have come together with the intention of being in service to the future caretakers of our planet:

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2011

Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2011

Indigenous Leaders, ethnobotanists, Amazonian healers and medical researchers in the field of entheogenic healing from around the globe will meet to speak, hold forums, panels and share their wisdom @ UBC. The event looks at traditional psychoactive plant medicines, spirituality, shamanism and rites of passage- what their relevance is to our times and how they might be able to help our communities.