This is what I have learned from my work with the entity I am in contact with known as Adronis, termed as the Multi-Dimensional Mentor. The more that you can expand yourself past conditional practices to make your methods unlimited, the more you understand the fundamental greatness of your own creation.
One of the prominent themes introduced in Forbidden Archeology is the phenomena of “knowledge filtration.” This is the process by which scientists and others routinely accept evidence that supports their preconceptions and theories while rejecting, either consciously or unconsciously, other evidence that does not uphold their views.
Tantric sexual practices have the ability to help many non-orgasmic women become multi-orgasmic, men to achieve and retain long, strong, and powerful erections, and couples to create a deeper sense of intimacy, connection and fulfillment.
Taking 100% responsibility for our own state unlocks the door to happiness, satisfaction and true freedom. Growing up is growing into a sense of purpose, and the realization that lasting happiness is a by-product of contributing and giving rather than get