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Returning to Sacred World – Stephen Gray

Returning to Sacred World – Stephen Gray

Stephen Gray was a student, meditation instructor, and teacher of Buddhism for many years. His main practice in recent years has been with the Native American Church. Stephen has also worked with other shamanic traditions, in particular, Amazonian ayahuasca shamanism.

The Madonna Code Book Release – Karen McGregor

The Madonna Code Book Release – Karen McGregor

The Madonna Code invites you to enter a state in which love flourishes without fear of loss or rejection.

As a result of a three-year journey journey through the disintegration of her marriage, loss of her business partners and family illness, Karen McGregor gained profound wisdom and insights into the radiant power of an open heart.

Sacred International Dance Festival

Sacred International Dance Festival

Navaro’s work is inspired by ancient traditions of earth based music, rhythm, and dance. She is deeply interested in the current movement of traditional knowledge into present day context, and how it supports consciousness, community, and healing in our modern world.