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The Hopi Prophecy & John Kimmey

The Hopi Prophecy & John Kimmey

John “Eesawu” Kimmey. It is curious how an odd idea from an obscure source, long unknown, ignored, or considered irrelevant, suddenly emerges to general public notice. The idea itself cannot alone account for its sudden spread and wide acceptance. Nor can the media which report it.

The Way of Radical Business with Tad Hargrave

The Way of Radical Business with Tad Hargrave

Are you a local business owner that just plain cares deeply about your community, nature and social justice? (maybe you run a Yoga Studio, Eco-Friendly House Cleaning company, an Organic Farm, a local Theater Company, a Fitness Studio, a comfy, little locally owned Bookstore, a groovy local Restaurant, an Eco-Store, a Pottery shop or a Natural Health-Food Stores etc.

The Art of Living With Aditya Mahajan

To live life fully and freely is an art, requiring skills, intuition, creativity and knowledge. The Art of Living Foundation, through its many innovative programs, brings these values to our society by strengthening the individual.