In 2001 Wilde discovered the Morph and he wrote out the details of the topography and dimensions of what is now know as the Aluna Mirror Worlds, much of that information has since been verified by many others who have greatly added to his initial work.
The core of Genpo Roshi’s teaching is the unshakeable and contagious certainty that every one of us, regardless of our socio-economic, cultural or religious background, can instantly awaken to our true nature, like the great masters of old — like the historical Buddha himself, whose essential teaching was nothing less than this.
Her studies in ecopsychology led her to a passion for the vision fast, a ceremony that brings guidance and healing through a 3-day solo and sacred ritual in wild nature’a rite of renewal to strengthen connections to oneself, one’s people, the Earth, and the sacred dimension in one’s life. Karen holds vision fast retreats on her wilderness property near Merritt, BC.
Join millions of people as we honor and celebrate the water creating harmony through celebration ceremony, blessing, chanting music, movement, dance, movie, inspiration, connection.