It took a month for Donna to get up the nerve to make an appointment with the “Angel Reader” but go she did, driven by an agonizing desire to reconnect with her daughter. Not only did Debra Becker, this very special Angel Reader, help her connect with Kristi, but she also introduced Donna to the angels and an entire new dimension of spirituality.
HeartMath has been researching heart intelligence, stress and emotional management for more than 16 years and applied its findings to practical, easy-to-use tools that have been scientifically developed and tested.
It’s official! If you haven’t heard yet, on Thursday, Feb. 19th from 12:00 noon- 1:00 pm in Vancouver, renowned Peace musician and bestselling author of The Moses Code, James Twyman and Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith (as seen on Oprah 2 weeks ago and The Secret) will be 2 of 4 World Spiritual Leaders to lead a peace circle in Vancouver, BC, Canada!
Dr Ben Johnson, one of few doctors with 3 medical degrees. He’s a complementary and alternative medicine physician and the only Medical Doctor featured in the hit movie, “The Secret”. As clinical director of the Immune Recovery Clinic in Atlanta, (an alternative cancer clinic) and founder of the International Cancer Foundation, he is a renowned specialist in the prevention and cure of breast cancer.