Mary Gordon is recognized internationally as an educator, best-selling author, child advocate and parenting expert who has created award-winning programs informed by the power of empathy. In 1996, she founded Roots of Empathy, which now offers programs in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and the Isle of Man. In 2005, Ms Gordon founded the Seeds of Empathy program.
PETER FENNER, PH.D. Peter is a leader in the Western adaptation of Buddhist wisdom. He is a pioneer in the new field of nondual psychotherapy. He was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist traditions for 9 years. He has a PhD in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism and has held teaching positions at universities in Australia and the USA.
The relationship between Sexuality and Spirituality will be explored at the upcoming Inner and Outer Landscapes Conference, Nov 7 to 9th, 2008, in Vancouver BC. Charlotte will explore the works of a number of different writers and thinkers to determine where the two experiences became separated and how we may reclaim the embodiment of both.
Ashley McIntosh is a certified Wellness Coach who helps her clients set goals and achieve them. Working with the physical, nutritional, and mental, Ashley gets her clients to where they want to be so they can get to ‘success’ on their own terms. And once they get there, they will realize the strong, inspired, and vital person they have become – they can stop ‘tolerating’ their lives, and get living.
Ashley will conduct a lecture on the same topic during Inner And Outer Landscape Conference in Vancouver, Nov 7-9, 2008.