Quantum Life: Energy, Breath, Cacao and Love

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Join Marc Caron as he speaks with Kathie and Paul Scott from Quantum Life. Over the past 15 years, following where Spirit led, they dove into many healing modalities. On January 1st, 2011, they facilitated their first Cacao Journey for a handful of friends, and in the years since have created a 12-Chakra guided Breath Meditation – ANAHATA. Some peak experiences, over and above their monthly Cacao Journeys, are 200+ person Anahata Cacao Journeys at the Vancouver Planetarium for the September Equinox 2017 and Blessed Coast Festival 2018. And…they are doing it again at the Planetarium in Vancouver, June 23, 2024, where they will share the powerful gifts of breath, meditation and cacao for a powerful and profound transformational experience.



Want to experience Anahata? Join them live in person at planetarium June 23 – Click on the image below to RSVP and full details, or visit their website for more dates of future events. Visit: https://www.quantumlife.ca/cacao-journeys/


About Kathie and Paul

Paul and Kathie’s paths converged New Year’s Eve, 2005 when they met on the dance floor – and dancing remains a passion of theirs to this day! In their vows taken on Makena Beach, Maui, June 10, 2006, they dedicated their relationship to their healing growth and bringing that to community…
A common bond is their sobriety – with almost 50 years combined, alcohol free, they know the healing journey personally from this perspective through the 12 Steps as well as avid students of A Course In Miracles. Living Vision is an annual 100-person retreat they held at Lake Sasamat for the first 4 years of their marriage – creating a network for community whose many offspring thrive to this day – which inspired them to go even deeper into what they wanted to bring forward for the transformation of the Human BEing.
Over the past 12 years, following where Spirit led, they dove into many healing modalities… For her 50th, Kathie took herself to Fiji, to be Initiated as a Oneness Blessing Giver, which opened up yet another path to Awakening for them both. January 1st, 2011, they facilitated their first Cacao Journey for a handful of friends, and in the years since have created a 12-Chakra guided Breath Meditation – ANAHATA. Some peak experiences, over and above their monthly Cacao Journeys, are 200+ person Anahata Cacao Journeys at the Vancouver Planetarium for the September Equinox 2017 and Blessed Coast Festival 2018. Looking for the perfect Instructional modality, in March 2011, they landed on Quantum Touch for its simplicity to convey energy healing – as Instructors and Mentors, they have witnessed the transforming effect in many lives in the 70+ QT Workshops and countless Healing Circles they have facilitated.
They headed for India, aiming for the Oneness University for the celebration of December 21, 2012. – a once-in-a-lifetime 44-days of deepening their connection with All That Is that Heals EveryOne – and became Trainers for this powerful transmission, hosting the Oneness Awakening Initiation every year during the Easter weekend.
As Metaphysical Ministers, they can legally officiate weddings in Canada, and it is one of their absolute JOYS to – together, simultaneously! – marry couples who choose this path for their relationship.
Paul has endless credits from a very young age, including leading programs with Context International, Rhodes Wellness College and completing his BA in Transpersonal Counseling with Clearmind International. His most recent is Family Constellation Facilitator Training with Jan Hull.
Kathie began life on the West Coast in 1981 at LG73/CFOX, starting as Administrative Assistant to the General Manager and Program Directors, finally ending her radio career as Samantha on the LG Morning Zoo in April 1991. With years of experience in film and television, she danced with John Travolota, made Jodie Foster laugh and her favorite celebrity over all those years is still Cher. Clearly, their dedication is bottomless, as they head to Ecuador for the Pranic Living Breatharian Initiation while they prepare to rebirth Living Vision – 2019!

Contact Kathie and Paul

Quantum Touch® Instructors, Mentors and Practitioners – L1, L2, Self-Created Health and SuperCharging!

Metaphysical Ministers in Transpersonal Counselling and The Healing Arts  www.quantumlife.ca

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