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Karen McGregor, M.Ed., is the author of 2 books, including the recent best seller, TheMadonna Code: Mysteries of the Divine Feminine Unveiled. As a professional speaker, facilitator, and certified intuitive, Karen inspires women to connect deeply to their inner wisdom.
Through workshops, women’s circles, and intuitive sessions, Karen offers processes that help women ignite their intuition and open their hearts to the intimate, loving, deep connection to self, other and the Divine. Karen has a wealth of experience as a facilitator and speaker, having taught and presented to groups of all ages for over 20 years. She is a certified Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ (AEP™), a Certified Intuitive (with Hannelore), and a Certified Medium (with Charles Virtue). She is also a Heart Resonance Healer.
More info –
Angels 101: Connecting With Your Angels:
An Experiential Workshop
Saturday, June 16 (9:30 am-4:00 pm)
14899 Marine Drive, White Rock, BC (Located right on the beach!)
Do you have a yearning to connect with your angels? Would
you like to reach a state where you confidently and consistently
receive messages and guidance from your angels? Join Certified
Angel Intuitive and bestselling author, Karen McGregor, for a
highly informative, inspirational day where you will:
- Experience the 4 primary ways to communicate with your angels
- Gain confidence in your intuitive connection with angels
- Understand the role of your Guardian Angels and know them by name
- Know and be guided by the primary Archangels
- Discern the difference between Angelic messages and those that come from ego, fear, or people who have passed over
- Clearly receive messages and know when you are blocking messages
- Learn to use Angel Cards (Doreen Virtue) to assist you in receiving guidance and/or to give others guidance
Gift yourself with a clear connection to the infinitely wise, loving, compassionate and supportive guidance of the angels!
One Day Investment $111 (Bonus Gift! Register by June 9th and receive a deck of Doreen Virtue Angel Cards!)
More info – Call Karen’s Office for More Information: 604-833-3073 Or email:
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