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Yogacharini Maitreyi is a practical Mystic and the founder of Arkaya. She has taught a wide variety of people, from Buddhist monks in Sri Lanka, prisoners in Sweden, an all Islamic group in
Bangladesh, yoga teachers in Vancouver to children and CEOs in India and abroad over the last 10 years.
She has trained many top companies like Ford, Lever Brothers, Nasscom, L&T, Symbiosis Institute of Management etc. and consults on wellness issues, holistic health and organic management. She trains them in the science and art of SELF/STRESS MANAGEMENT through ‘The 3M Magick’ FUNshop. She is specialized in life enhancement coaching for top management and decision makers. She enables them to see the need for managing the body, emotions, mind and resources effectively and creatively. She has been a key note speaker for audiences of 800 and above.She was also a consultant for the Madras Management Association in 2004 and was instrumental in designing and organising a series of 20 Health awareness workshops for their members. She believes a holistic lifestyle can infiltrate all walks of life.
Maitreyi was invited to be on the Advisory Board of the World Yoga Council in Europe in 2006. She has also received the Yoga Semmal (Great, expert) award in India in 2007. She has appeared on national channels like Doordarshan and international channels like Star Vijay, NDTV, Channel M of Vancouver etc. giving talks and sessions on the holistic aspects of yoga.
Maitreyi is also a versatile writer with over 80 published articles in Management Mandate, Times Wellness, Yoga life, Life Positive, Heritage Healing, Indian Express etc. Her versatility is seen in the fact that she has written scholarly articles that have been quoted as recommended readings in yoga to short humorous articles. She was a columnist for the Economic Times and has been writing a fortnightly column on yoga called “Pace Maker” for the Hindu news daily in India, for the last 3 years.
Maitreyi is open to connections that reflect the divine. She shares more and teaches less. She exudes the energy of a friend as her name implies. She has taken many through the healing process, including herself. She is dedicated to training trainers and has inspired many to refine their lives. She teaches the Foundation course or the Yoga Bija course to ground people in the yogic principles. She also shares her insights and trains teachers groups.
Yogacharini Maitreyi has taught and done many years of seva at the Ananda Ashram. She has founded a trust for children from economically backward areas in India where they learn to have fun cleaning up and cultivating a holistic and healthy lifestyle. They learn this through song and play. Their interventions are focused on prevention and healing rather than just cure.
Maitreyi teaches in Vancouver each year and is a Registered Senior Teacher at the Yoga Association of British Columbia.
Maitreyi studied film and worked on various films and documentaries from 1993 to 2000. She holds a degree in Visual Communication and has worked for many Indian and International companies like UTV, Goumond-Boreales of France and East-West Productions of Canada in Filmmaking. She was also running her production house before she decided to dedicate her time to teaching yoga. She integrates her filmmaking skills into exploring the human spirit.
Maitreyi is originally from India and has trained there for many years in Classical Yoga. She studied in the Shivananda ashram in 1997 and for many years in the Ananda ashram. She was given the title of ‘Yogacharini’ (guide, life coach) in the Gurukulum of Dr. Swami Gitananda. She demystifies and simplifies spirituality and teaches ancient wisdom in the modern context.
More information –
1199 Marinaside Crescent in Yaletown on Sunday the
5th of July 2009 from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Kindly avail of this opportunity !
We look forward to spending an
Enlightening and Fun filled day with you!
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