The Invitation is the Same…The Response is Your Choice

The Invitation is the Same…The Response is Your Choice

In this Episode of CLR, Join Tasha Simms as she speaks wtih Jill Prescott, an international speaker, facilitator, writer, and personal guide.  She has studied Clinical Hypnotherapy, HI Processing, Intuitive Energy Healing and various healing and leadership modalities. Jill has often been referred to as the Truth-Teller, with this being the foundation of her life […]

Thoughts From the Worlds First Black Chess Grandmaster: What We Can Learn From Chess to Transform and Heal – with Maurice Ashley

Thoughts From the Worlds First Black Chess Grandmaster: What We Can Learn From Chess to Transform and Heal – with Maurice Ashley

Join Tasha Simms as she speaks with Maurice Ashely, the Worlds First Black Chess Grand Master Maurice Ashely about his thoughts on what is happening today  and what he thinks needs to happen. How do we create real and lasting change? Why is understanding the root cause of racism and the history of enslavement essential […]

The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot with Selena Lovett

The Journey to Enlightenment Tarot with Selena Lovett

 In this episode of CLR, Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Selena Joy Lovett, a psychic medium, Reiki Master, mindfulness practitioner and life coach, trained in Chinese Medicine, CBT and NLP counselling. She works with the Tarot to guide seekers forward on a journey of enlightenment, helping them release any negative […]

“Forever In MY Veins: How Film Led Me To The Mysterious World Of The African Shaman” with Lionel Friedberg – Part 2

“Forever In MY Veins: How Film Led Me To The Mysterious World Of The African Shaman” with Lionel Friedberg – Part 2

Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron for Part 2 as they speak with Emmy Award-winning producer and New York Times bestselling author Lionel Friedberg.  In the second half of this conversation we discuss life after death, ufo’s and so much more. Lionel has spent 50 years making films as diverse as full-length theatrical features and […]

The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership with Heather Plett

The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership with Heather Plett

Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Heather Plett, author of the book The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership and the co-founder of the international Centre for Holding Space. She is an international speaker, facilitator, writer, and life-long learner whose work has been translated into a […]

Finding Relationship Happiness This Valentine’s Day with Spiritual Teacher and Psychic Therapist, Vincent Genna

Finding Relationship Happiness This Valentine’s Day with Spiritual Teacher and Psychic Therapist, Vincent Genna

Join Marc Caron as they speak with, Vincent Genna, MSW- Psychic Therapist and Spiritual Mentor.  Vincent is a world-renowned psychic healer, respected spiritual teacher, and dynamic, animated speaker who receives and deciphers messages from the other side to help improve our present lives. In this episode Vincent will identify the myths about relationships that hinder […]

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