Cannabis: The 1st Day of Legalization in Canada – With Selena Wong

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This evening on CLR, on the first day of cannabis legalization in Canada, Marc Speaks with Selena Wong and Stephen Gray about the changes here in Canada and their passion for Cannabis as a Spiritual Ally.

You can now watch our live interview here…

Selena will be one of the presenters at the upcoming Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (of which Stephen Gray is a co-organizer and the MC) here in Vancouver Nov.2 – Nov. 4th, 2018. It is being held at “The Nest” in UBC and it is a sold out event! For more details on the event, and to view past presenters in the membership site visit:

The cannabis plant is far older than Homo sapiens and has been with us from our beginnings. It’s the “people’s plant,” with a wide variety of uses. One of the most ancient, beneficial, but poorly understood of those uses is cannabis’ remarkable potential as a spiritual ally when properly understood and used as a sacred plant medicine.

About Selena

Selena Wong is a devotee to the Cannabis Plant as a Spirit Plant Medicine Master Teacher and Ally. Her passion for conscious cannabis represented with integrity and reverence in the cannabis industry is reflected through her sister companies, The Flower of Life.

Selena is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister through The University of Sedona and is the President and Co-Founder of The Flower of Life Compassion Club Society (an online dispensary), is the CEO & Co-Founder of Flower of Life Production (a conscious cannabis production company), and the CEO & Co-Founder of Flower of Life Integrative Health (wellness clinic/apothecary/educational resource center).

Her spiritual experiences with cannabis began during the harvest of a cannabis crop over 6 years ago and has blossomed into a methodology and spiritual practice ever since.

Selena has been awarded a Cosmic Sisters of Cannabis grant in support of her presentation “Sex and Death: Cannabis as a Spiritual Ally.” at the Spirit Plant Medicine conference.

About Stephen

Stephen Gray has traveled spiritual pathways for nearly half a century. He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism as a student and instructor as well as with several sacramental medicine traditions. He is a teacher, ceremony leader, writer, conference organizer, musician, and photographer. Stephen is the author of Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality(John Hunt Publishing, 2010) and the editor and one of 18 contributors to Cannabis and Spirituality: An Explorer’s Guide to an Ancient Plant Spirit Ally (Inner Traditions/Park Street Press, 2017).

If you would  like to know more about Stephen, his work and offerings, please visit:

For the past 7 years Stephen has also been co-organizer of the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, now in its 8th year and scheduled for this Nov. 2-4 at UBC with a remarkable international group of leading voices representing the medicines.

For all the details about his remarkable event please visit

“Look past your thoughts, so you may drink the pure nectar of This Moment.” – Rumi

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