How have humanity’s higher capacities developed during our time on earth? What figures and forces have generated and fostered our unfolding powers? Why has our spiritual evolution been conceived with such stunning variety across the ages?
The author of three books in the field of personal and professional development, Monica has been recognized by national and international TV and print media. Her coaching clients are moved by her boundless creativity and enthusiasm for life as she guides them in connecting with their skills and talents, long-range vision, and deepest heart’s desire.
Prior to starting CST, Una worked with Dr. Samuel Epstein and the Cancer Prevention Coalition as Regional Coordinator, North West Region, and was also Education Coordinator for the Humane Education Society, which provided education to schools and other organizations on healthy relationships with animals and the environment.
She worked on this project with producer, interspecies music/ cestacean ambassador, Jim Nollman( who provided the recordings of animal communing with him for this production. Leesa has been written up in many national magazines-media and presented as an influence in sound and music therapy, bringing it to the forefront of the spa industry during her 12 years at Canyon Ranch Spa-Lenox/ and healing work throughout the country in multi media presentations.
She is also an actor, writer, teacher and workshop facilitator who holds a Masters degree in Counselling Psychology. Her passion is supporting the expression of the authentic self through teaching self acceptance in all our human aspects, both shadow and light.
Catherine has five years of interpersonal communications training and four years of part-time study in child development and learning. She is a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters degree in Resources and Environmental Management and more than 20 years of experience in research, policy development, corporate strategy, and advocacy.
During this workshop, Caroline Sutherland weaves her compelling information and stories which anchor a feeling of excitement about the aging process. She will do spot readings from the audience, teach you how to “tune in” to your own aging rate and to intuitively discern ways to stop
body breakdown.
Soul Power workshops are a fun, safe and interactive way to discover the REAL you, your true potential and your higher purpose. Conducted by leading experts in the field of consciousness development, a Soul Power Workshop may just be exactly what you need!
He is also a survivor of three near-death experiences a drowning at the age of 12, a car accident at 17, and a heart attack at the age of 41. Following his near-death encounters Elder’s life was further rocked by a series of spontaneous out-of-body experiences experiences which would lead him to a life of psychic intrigue he could not even have imagined.