Love: What is it Good For??

Love: What is it Good For??

Usually, there is a point in time where we all ask ourselves this question: Is a relationship more pain or gain? We as humans are pretty relationship driven and are often fixated on the attainment or the sustaining of our love relationships, yet…..

Be Love Now – Rameshwar Das

Be Love Now – Rameshwar Das

Rameshwar Das is co-author with Ram Dass of “Be Love Now” and the classic “Be Here Now.”

In their book “Be Love Now” the two men share many of the eternal lessons they have learned with an emphasis on the fact that “love is a state of being, not a trip from here to there.” They go on to say that the truth of this path of the heart is that there is no path. There is only the heart and the love.

Fathers: A Literary Anthology – Andre Gerard

Fathers: A Literary Anthology – Andre Gerard

Notes from Andre Gerard author of Fathers: A Literary Anthology – The idea for this anthology came to me some five years ago, and although I tried to resist, the idea would not go away. I am, after all, the father of two teenage children, and some of my thoughts were forged in the fiery smithy of experience.

Relationship Connection: You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling

Relationship Connection: You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling

Registered Clinical Counsellor, Certified Relationship Specialist, and Clinical Director of CoreQuest Counselling Group Trevor Warren shares key insights from current research and his experience of specializing in couples counselling for the last ten years into the What, the Why and How of making
and keeping connection with your partner.

Sacred Sexuality – Tziporah Kingsbury

Sacred Sexuality – Tziporah Kingsbury

Tziporah is a Transformational Guide, Sacred Intimate –Awakened sexuality and Conscious relation-ship coach. She is a certified trainer for the Transformational Breath Foundation Tziporah has over 15 years experience as a guide and has traveled internationally sharing, learning and embracing life.

How do we approach change? – Lisa de Lusignan and Laura Bradley

How do we approach change? – Lisa de Lusignan and Laura Bradley

How do we approach change? Do we hold on tight to the old and therefore struggle as we walk towards the future? Are we fearing the future, sure that the past was better as at least we know what to expect from it? The only thing permanent is change. Sometimes change comes as a tragically such as a death, accident, illness, or in celebration as in a birth, wedding, graduation. How we approach and perceive these changes will alter the experience, bringing either suffering or joy.

How our Family of Origin effects our Relationships

How our Family of Origin effects our Relationships

Lisa de Lusignan has a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology and has been coaching singles for over 10 years. She is a teacher and facilitator and a mother of a teenage son.

After a challenging and painful divorce she was determined to learn and heal from the experience and create a passionate fulfilling life. She brings her experience of being single in her thirties to this work, inspiring singles with hope and knowledge to have a fabulous life and relationship.