In this episode I speak with Jennifer Diepstraten, relationship coach, and sales and communication expert about her upcoming talk with the eWomen’s Network here in Vancouver, Oct. 11, 2018. Jennifer enjoys helping people learn to be authentically themselves and sell their value. With 20 years’ experience in sales, relationship coaching, and communication studies so she […]
In this episode we speak with Life Coach, DreamSculptor™, Hypno and Timeline Release Therapist Diane Hume. Listen in as Diane shares the formula for Receiving better health, wealth and relationships in your life. Diane is also the founder and creator of the The Dream Receiver Academy, helping you removes any obstacles, create more clarity and empower […]
In this episode we speak with Krista Novaskowski about the truth about Tantra as a way of being in the world. It is about saying Yes to life. Discover the keys of authenticity and love on this path that includes Yoga, Meditation and Ritual creating a strong foundation for a Tantric life. What is Tantra […]
This week we speak about Love, with Sacred Relationship Coach Shaeah Love! Shaeah is also an author & inspirational speaker, who facilitates women’s groups, conscious relating workshops and people’s awakening since 2003. She is dedicated to supporting women to find the deepest fulfillment in love and life. She offers workshops, webinars, group programs & private […]
Fierce Loving | Cultivating Deep Mastery for Intimate Partnerships This week on CLR, our guests are Jenna Card, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer and Trevor Warren, Registered Clinical Counselor. They are an inspiring couple who powerfully embody a healthy, passionate, real-life intimate partnership. In this episode, they will be sharing the culmination of over 20 years […]
This week we speak with Matt Kahn author of, “Everything Is Here to Help You”, offering an emotionally supportive way to shift out of the inner war of ego, and into the illuminated presence of your soul. In this book, spiritual teacher and intuitive Matt Kahn redefines the spiritual path for the modern-day seeker, and […]
In this episode Tasha and Andrew speak with Wendy Cobina DeMos a musician, devotional chant artist, Kundalini Yoga teacher, and founder of the Sacred Sexual Music Festival. Wendy loves to create gatherings that bring forth the sensuous, artistic, heart-full, wise, dancing, wild, juicy YOU, and helps people around the world remember the power, beauty and […]
In this recent broadcast of Conscious Living Radio, Andrew and Marc speake with Kale Gosen, the founder and creator of Converge – Con, a 3 day annual conference held in Vancouver, BC, April 6-8, 2018, covering topics related to sexuality, health, relationships and activism. This year there will be over 30 speakers from across North […]
Healing the Body & Awakening Consciousness with the Dalian Method: An Advanced Self-Healing System for a New Humanity Mada’s own quest for truth began at the age of five when she witnessed her grandfather’s death. At that tender age she became aware of her own mortality and asked herself: Who am I? Where do I […]
In this weeks episode, Tasha and Andrew speak with Jeffrey Armstrong – Kavindra Rishi: Founder of VASA – Vedic Academy of Sciences & Arts about “The Logic of Love and the Art of Compatibility”… Why Soul Mating is something YOU DO, not someone you find. How to implement NEW Strategies and a “NEW Contextual Premise” that will improve […]