What is The Oneness Movement?

What is The Oneness Movement?

She is one of the most prolific humanitarian leaders living today. It is her mission to help bring the gift of love and peace to the people of the United States and Canada. Sri Rani ji has dedicated her life to healing, uplifting and transforming the lives of others.

Role of Teachers from the East in raising the Consciousness of the West

Role of Teachers from the East in raising the Consciousness of the West

Today, Master has created a simple system, The Four Disciplines, so meditation is for you and me, for us who live this life, in this world. For us who are here, now in this moment, in this mad, chaotic, exciting, crazy life. All I have written is just my observation and may I add that it has been a blessing and my privilege to have been around in this space and time with the Master.

Inner Resonance Technologies & Course In Miracles

onversation with Maureen Edwardson who developed Inner Resonance Technologies over a fifteen year period, traveling internationally, sharing with the Russian doctors of the Medical Research Institutes in Siberia, the traditional shamans of the Republic of Altai, healing centres in Norway and Sweden, and for three years in the US giving training to various Tribal Schools for the Office of Indian Education Programs, Bureau of Indian Affairs. Inner Resonance Technologies has 7 brief steps that facilitate you in making certain inner agreements that set the conditions to allow your own automatic system to rebalance and harmonize itself physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, transforming all parts of your life.

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