AuraTransformation: The Follow-Up: With Sarah Jennings and Guests

AuraTransformation: The Follow-Up: With Sarah Jennings and Guests

Join Tasha Simms and myself, Marc L Caron as we speak with Sarah Jennings, an International Aura Mediator™ Instructor. Aura transformation is the ultimate in consciousness expansion, setting off a process of Crystallizing your spirit energy into every cell, dissolving karmic, ancestral & collective imprinting and clearing eons of emotional baggage. Aligning your frequency to […]

All Is God: The Omnidimensional Heart, Bio-Transhumanism & Awakening Mankind

All Is God: The Omnidimensional Heart, Bio-Transhumanism & Awakening Mankind

Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as they speak with Ananda Bosman,  a Visionary, Cosmologist, Semantic Artist, International Researcher & as an Award-winning Musician the Founder of the 432Hz popular & electronic music movement during the 1990’s. Listen in as Ananda will share how a Near Death Experience in his teens catapulted him into […]

Wisdom for the World with Alan Clements

Wisdom for the World with Alan Clements

Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as they speak with Alan Clements about his latest book “Wisdom For the World”.  Alan was among the first Westerners to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Burma, where he lived in a monastery practicing mindfulness meditation for nearly four years, before being expelled from the country in […]

Discover Your Life’s Purpose – with Deidre Sirianni

Discover Your Life’s Purpose – with Deidre Sirianni

Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron for this episode of CLR, where we speak with speaker and international transformational retreat facilitator, Deidre Sirianni. Deidre is an activator for truth, human awakening and global impact entrepreneurship.  Her work dissolves the illusions that are pulling you out of alignment with your higher purpose and from living it […]

(Nude)Yoga, Music, Mindfulness – with Will Blunderfield

(Nude)Yoga, Music, Mindfulness – with Will Blunderfield

Join Tasha and Marc as they speak with local yogi, podcast host, musician, seeker, and dedicated champion of the LGBTQIA + community, Will Blunderfield. Will currently has two award-winning albums out globally, Hallelujah + Wild Horses, and is training in Buddhist Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction + Level II Kundalini Yoga. As an outspoken advocate for sexual […]

SAMADHI JOURNEYS – with Bianca Kempe

SAMADHI JOURNEYS – with Bianca Kempe

Join Tasha Simms and Marc L Caron as we speak with Bianca Kempe, an explorer of consciousness, a believer in spirit and the guiding force that leads us to the fulfillment of our destiny. She will be sharing her story and some of the paths that have connected her(and her partner) to the Divine, so that you too […]

Transform Your Aura – With Sarah Jennings

Transform Your Aura – With Sarah Jennings

Join Tasha Simms and myself, Marc L Caron as we speak with Sarah Jennings, an International Aura Mediator™ Instructor. Aura transformation is the ultimate in consciousness expansion, setting off a process of Crystallising your spirit energy into every cell, dissolving karmic, ancestral & collective imprinting and clearing eons of emotional baggage. Aligning your frequency to the Crystal […]

Sacred Sexual Music Festival: Songs, Chants, Arts, & Info to Celebrate our Juicy, Innocent, Life Force Energy

Sacred Sexual Music Festival: Songs, Chants, Arts, & Info to Celebrate our Juicy, Innocent, Life Force Energy

Join Tasha and Marc as they speak with Wendy Cobina Demos, creator of the 2nd annual Sacred Sexual Music Festival, where songs, chants, arts, & info are brought together so we can all  celebrate our juicy, innocent, life force energy. We will also have Jaitara, one of the presenters , sharing her offering for the […]

Inner Dance- Experience the Transformation

Inner Dance- Experience the Transformation

Listen in as a speak with Julia Kovacs and discover “Inner Dance” and “Experience the Transformation! Inner Dance is a journey into awakening your power to change yourself and your community. The Inner Dance is a global movement of healers, artists, medical practitioners, ecologists, transformation experts and community leaders who are experiencing change from inside […]

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