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After surviving life in a large, chaotic family in Oxfordshire, England, Natasha, a reincarnation of a Gypsy, found her niche as a flight attendant and apprentice palmist and traveled extensively. She lived in Switzerland, Norway, Germany and Libya, studying the languages of those countries and picking up a few additional languages before immigrating to British Columbia, Canada. Since 1995, when she finally surrendered to her fate as a full-time psychic, Natasha evolved from palm reader to psychic coach, facilitating spiritual healing and psychic development through corporate and private workshops, writing books and columns, and offering private and phone consultations to people around the world. Her mission is to make her work as a psychic coach redundant by training others to listen to, and trust, their own intuition.

Natasha’s first book: Aaagh! I Think I’m Psychic (And You Can Be Too)

What do you feel when you hear the word “psychic?” Spine-chilling goose bumps or a gripping allure? A burning desire to discover more or the impulse to run? Fascination or fear?

We all have intuition, perhaps even a psychic ability. So why don’t we use it? Fear of the unknown, fear of losing control, fear of meeting our dark side or the fear instilled in humankind during the Spanish Inquisition that still sits in our cellular memory and holds power over our otherwise unlimited minds? In this enlightening, entertaining and empowering book, Natasha brings the word “psychic” out of the witch’s closet and into the light of the New Age. “Now, more than ever in our history, the planet needs all of us to acknowledge our power by paying attention to our inner voices. But first we have to embrace and trust our intuition.”

Warning: This material contains mind-illuminating content. Aaagh! I Think I’m Psychic (And You Can Be Too) is a sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking account of Natasha’s reluctant psychic awakening. Her story is accompanied by metaphysical endnotes to help the reader recognize and develop his or her own inherent intuitive ability, and to offer a deeper understanding of the psychic forces that were at play when Natasha magnetized these events to her.



Do you feel stuck, blocked or simply unable to embrace happiness? You are not alone.  It’s time to make peace with our pasts so we can live fully in the moment and create a joyous future. We can Clear The Blocks to HEAVEN. Come and hear Natasha’s Ten Step Suggestions so you can set yourself free to be happy. Change woo-woo to woo hoo!!
Date:      Thursday,  September 22 Time: 6.30 – 8.30 pm.
Value:     Infinite! But for you, just $15.00
Register:  Presence, 6607 Royal Ave, Horseshoe Bay
Tel:         (604) 912 0102
And:        Natasha@Natashapsychic.Com *  1 604 886 5718

Psychic Readings/Coaching and Past Life Regressions @ Presence every  Wednesday (except 28 September) 10.00 –  5.00 pm

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