Connecting People, Vison, and Wisdom

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Join Marc Caron as he speaks with Michael Kraus about “Connecting People, Vison, and Wisdom” and his mission to engage all members of the human family to join together, to awaken our spiritual roots in unity, and to create a peaceful world where the virtues of love, kindness, compassion, empathy and collaboration are a daily reality for all.

We are at a critical moment in human history and the decisions that we are making today have a great impact on future generations. A new civilization is possible when we start to understand the potential of our minds, the power of our voices, the intelligence of our hearts and the convictions of our souls and act based on the guiding principles of collaboration, cooperation, compassion and love and in accordance with the laws of nature. We belief that within the human capacity is the potential of each and every one of us to impact and change our current experience, transform into a new civilization and unlock our full innate capability to heal from the wounds that we have inflicted on ourselves, others and the environment. The times ahead require us to act and think differently if we want to solve the world’s most imminent problems. We believe the time has come to join together in a common purpose and remake the planet into a haven of joy and understanding and goodness.

Watch the conversation here and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Learn more about Michael’s global vision, visit

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