Cycling for Kindness – Brock Tully

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Brock Tully is an inspirational speaker and author of a series of Reflections books (over 140,000 copies sold). In 2000, Brock sold his business and cycled 18,000 kilometres around North America to raise awareness for kindness. In addition to being a main cyclist and spokesperson for the Cycling for Kindness project.

Brock Tully is a man on a mission. “I only do about 10 miles an hour
with the trailer hooked on behind me,” Brock said. Tully did 10 miles enough times in a row to cycle all the way around North America not once, but 3 times.

Tully is co-founder of the Kindness Foundation of Canada and as of  May 3, 2009 is back home in Vancouver again after eight months on the highways of North America on a road trip Tully called “absolutely brutal at times. I would be cycling in freezing rain soaked through to the skin with two or three hours left to go to get to the next destination sometimes. It was hard to keep going on those days, but I did because people were waiting for me.”

I’ve since become aware this irritation comes from not listening to the one inner voice of my heart, but from listening to, and becoming confused by all the fearful voices in my head.

All those suggestions from loving, well-meaning people who thought they knew my journey better than me. I was angry at those people until I realized I have a choice to listen or to not listen!

In 1970, at 23 years old, the conflict was so intense I was very suicidal. I was at “Brock” bottom. I needed to make a change; so I decided to climb on my bicycle and do what no one had done – ride my bicycle around Canada, the U.S., and Mexico (10,000 miles, 18,000 Km) As I rode I became more conscious and soon realized that my journey wasn’t so much a 10,000 mile one, but a 12 inch one, . . . from my head, back to my heart! I was becoming excited about life again! I hadn’t lost my heart . . . I had only lost touch with it!

During my journey, I wrote my first thought of many . . .

“. . . I’d rather be seen for who I am and be alone . . . than be accepted for someone I’m not and be lonely.”

Instead of “taking my life,” by remembering my heart, I realized I was here to ‘give with my life’!

“. . . I was told I’d be ‘out-of-my-mind’ to go after my dreams . . . now that I’ve gotten out of my mind by
following my heart, I’m living my dreams.”

I started collecting my little thoughts and over the years put together a series of 5 Reflection books, 2 children
books (for people of “all” ages), and a CD “Touching Hearts.” People seemed to like what I wrote (over 140,000 copies sold) and I was asked to speak at a variety of events!

What could be better than this! I was writing and sharing what I feel! (and sometimes even getting paid!) I found
‘my’ path – it’s been a slippery one at times, but I know the way I look at life is my choice . . .

“. . . I may not be able to change the world I see around me but I can change the way I see the world, within

Even though I know I’m on ‘my’ path, it was confirmed the day I got a letter from a woman telling me about her Grandmother who passed on and whose last request was to be buried with my book!

By Brock Tully

“One of a
KIND Stories, Music, and more”
is back!


 Friday night,
July 3rd, at 7:30pm
at Unity Vancouver (5840 Oak St. – near 41st)

It will include a personal short Story from the heart, and lots of amazing music….i’m sooooo excited about our Performers (so incredibly talented!!) – we have Jeanette and Jonas from Kindness Rocks, ABBACadabra, and many other incredible Shows (they are off to Malaysia shortly to Perform for the King); Ron Irving who is a fantastic singer, musician, and song-writer (written for Michael Buble, Anne Murray, etc.); Ivan Boudreau an outstanding singer, musician, and song-writer who will also totally WOW you; and Michael Vincent who is not only amazing, but just released his beautiful CD!!

…i hope you feel inspired to pass this on to your wonderful friends and others on your data base….it will be a special evening…esp. if YOU are there! Yahoooo!!! Come alone or bring friends!
…at this first one, i will be sharing about my life, including my 3 epic bicycle journeys, from my personal inner challenges with addiction to my insights learned a long the way!Of all the Events i’ve organized, this is the first where i will share ‘my’ story! …it would really mean a lot to me to have your support and to see you there! Over the last many years i’ve organized large Events like “Clam Chowder for the Soul,
“Porridge for the Soul”,  the World Kindness Concerts, and now “One of a KIND Stories”…these Events have given close to 500 Speakers and Performers an opportunity to share their gifts and talents…our stories are so so important…many of us go through life and no one ever gets to really know us…we hold so much inside…when we hear and support people being vulnerable and real, their stories become ours, as we relate to the feelings, fears, and challenges….our stories may ‘appear’ different, but inside they are all the same! i hope you’ll be there for my story!
…at each Event – i’m planning on going weekly at the end of the summer and i will be featuring a local story of a person overcoming a huge challenge to make a difference plus a variety of wonderful Performers – some of whom, will share their touching stories!
…this last trip around the U.S. was extremely tough and at the same time very fulfilling, and this will also be the first time i will be sharing about my latest trip and answering questions… hopefully you feel the Events i organize have, and will continue, to support you on ‘your’ journey. The following Events will focus on others’ stories…i have been touched deeply by people’s stories and they not only need to be heard, but we need to support each other – especially when we risk to open our hearts – this is whatCOMMUNITYis all about.
…this latest Tour has convinced me that our challenges – depression, anger, loneliness, feeling ‘stuck’, unhealthy relationships, or whatever – stems from us holding our feelings inside and our lack of communication…we lose touch with our very special heart and, too often, feel separate and fearful. The use of drugs, such as ‘Crystal Meth’, to numb feelings, has become epidemic.
…please bring Kleenex…we had 250 people at the last big “One of a KIND stories” Event and there wasn’t a dry eye in the Theatre…we were moved, and often times deeply saddened, by people’s overwhelming challenges, but we left inspired and connected to others by these amazing stories of courage!
…it is important to be on time and attendance is by$5-10 minimum donation….i’m so excited to see you there.


‘Kindness Rocks’ see
‘World Kindness Concert’ see
‘One of a Kind Stories’ see
For eating healthy see

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