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Darryl Gurney – Shadow Energetics

Who do you judge? Who pushes your buttons?
Shadow Energetics is a belief change program designed to move you in the direction of wholeness and unconditional self-love. By finding the parts of your personality that you have pushed away, recognizing their value and then embracing them, you can enrich your life in the following ways and more…
Darryl Gurney is a Certified Advanced Level PSYCH-K® Instructor and a Certified Holoenergetics® Mind-Body Therapist and Instructor with 27 years experience in the holistic health field. In the late 80’s Darryl was a Sports Therapist for the Philadelphia Flyer hockey team. He has taught workshops at the Agape International Spiritual Centre in Southern California and has twice lectured at the International Conference of Science and Consciousness in Santa Fe New Mexico. Darryl conducts seminars on healing and personal growth throughout Canada. He presently resides in Squamish, British Columbia, Canada. For more information please visit
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