Decoding the Mystery – Sri and Kira

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Sri and Kira- The Mystical Couple of Our Time

Wednesday September 14th 6:00-7:00pm 

      Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa

       & Angelic Oracle Kira Raa

Their World Service Declaration: “To open the Authentic Path of Self-Ascension through Sacred Union with the Soul.” Our Sacred Intention for Being: “To Listen, Love and Hold the Space for Enlightenment.”

Best selling authors, columnists, radio personalities, Master Avesa Quantum Healers, and sought-after keynote speakers, Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Angelic Oracle Kira Raa are internationally recognized for lovingly “walking the walk” of authenticity.

On the cutting edge of the Soul Evolution, they are considered the foremost authorities on 2012, Archangelic communications, Self-Ascension, and Atlantis. Sri and Kira boldly answer the tough questions and offer a fresh perspective that is a rare treat in our chaotic and ever changing world.

Seven years ago, Sri and Kira came together in Sacred Union and accepted their mission.  They gave up a “normal” life to spread the message of the Archangelic Realm to the world.  In the course of their journey they founded the TOSA Center for Enlightened Living, the Avesa Quantum Healing™ Institute, and TOSA Publishing in Tijeras, New Mexico, created a curriculum of Self-Ascension, and traveled the world speaking to thousands on the evolutionary perspective on 2012, Earth changes, the soul mission of each being, and assisting other in claiming and reconnecting with their mastership.

Follow Up Events:

1. FREE Book Signing Banyen Books September 22nd, 6:30-8:00

DECODING THE UNIFICATION MOLECULE Ignite your sacred shield and personally connect with the divine through a LIVE Archangelic in-soulment.*

Sept 23, 7-9pm Unity of Vancouver, 5840 Oak St 22$

QUANTUM CLAIRVOYANCE: Transport yourself into a Universe of Infinite Possibilities where science fiction becomes science

Register at: SriandKira.Com

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