After 28 years of sharing their lives, loving each other, overcoming life’s obstacles, learning from them and each other, and working parallelly, each with their own clients and in their own unique ways, these two amazing healers have finally decided that they are ready to embark on the next journey and lift their healing powers to a truly cosmic level!
In this workshop, You will be guided, both on a conscious and unconscious level, by these two master healers, who will be guided by the master plant. It is absolutely certain that this will be one of the most memorable, transformative and meaningful moments of your life!
Join Ivan and Lana and the other truth-seeking fellow meditators in a unique, powerful experience of meditation and healing on all levels – physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual, under their compassionate guidance, both on a conscious and energetic level, infinitely amplified by the wisdom of the spirit of the sacred plant.
** There will be a pre-screening phone call with Lana after registration to answer any questions**
Location: South Vancouver, Private Residence Address Provided Upon Registration
Many of your lives have been transformed, and some even literally saved, by the divine power of Ivan Rados’ intuitive healing gift, meditation classes and his many published books, lectures and interviews. Can you imagine it being even more powerful? Well, that’s exactly what you will experience in this workshop, as his beloved wife, Lana has now joined him, bringing her 35 years of practice as a therapist, followed by 9 years of training in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Lana is a well established and sought after therapist, specializing in trauma and relationships, amongst many other areas of practice. Lana believes that all misalignments with our souls and consequently all suffering, including anxiety, depression, addiction, relationships and most health issues, stem from
unresolved trauma and unmet emotional needs, especially from the formative years of early childhood. She has developed a unique and very effective way of assisting her clients in resolving those traumatic experiences, resulting in freedom, joy, creative and authentic self-expression and success.
You may be wondering why they waited for 28 years to join their healing gifts and skills? Well, when they met, they were coming from two opposing ends of the spectrum of healing – Ivan, an intuitive healer, meditation master, spiritual teacher and Lana, a classically trained therapist, with an extensive knowledge in human emotional and cognitive development, early attachments and trauma. In their own words, they spoke very different languages when they first met and their worlds were so far apart, yet, their pull towards each other was irresistible (to tell the truth, Ivan recognized Lana immediately, as his partner throughout many lives and he had no doubt that they needed to be together, in order to complete what they had started centuries ago).
So, for 28 years, they have been loving and healing each other, as well as their clients, helping each other grow, and now they have reached a state where, while still both very distinctly unique in their approaches, their practices are informed by both the science and the divine knowing. So, they recently led a plant medicine session that, in their own words felt “like we have finally arrived home” and produced miraculous results for the attendees (see their testimonials ………..)
As you might be aware, a few years ago, Ivan had withdrawn from healing, spiritual teaching and facilitating his meditation classes. This was a result of a realization that somewhere on this journey of healing others, he had strayed from the path of his own healing, a straying that is spiritually quite dangerous, as it feeds the illusion of the ego.
While the depth and precision of his intuitive knowing and his healing was growing; he realized that he had been overseeing a call from within to revisit some archaic wounds of his own, wounds that he had thought had been fully healed. But they very rarely are. Lana and Ivan believe that our entire lives are designed to continue healing, so that we can continue expanding, deepening and evolving, thus expanding the universe.
Since that realization; Ivan has been soul searching, practicing humility and seeking again shamanic healing with different masters in Peru and Columbia. As a result, he now feels ready to continue on his temporarily interrupted journey of assisting others in their self discovery, self-actualization and healing, by bringing more humility, more depth and purer divine channeling into his practice.
One of the gifts of his recent shamanic healings is a realization that his healing power, which is to a large extent rooted in his very masculine spirituality, based in the witnessing consciousness, can be greatly amplified by the sacred gifts of the Divine Mother – spirit plant medicine. Lana, on the other hand, through her own courageous and tireless truth seeking, has realized that her, also greatly masculine, scientific approach, can be softened, profoundly deepened and divinely guided by the loving and deep wisdom of the medicine. The result is the perfect balance that this unity provides and the miraculous results it can produce.
In this workshop, You will be guided, both on a conscious and unconscious level, by these two master healers, who will be guided by the master plant. it is absolutely certain that this will be one of the most memorable, transformative and meaningful moments of your life!
Location: South Vancouver, Private Residence Address Provided Upon Registration
As Ivan said, “I have been meditating for the majority of my life; my most natural way of participation in this reality is through the witnessing consciousness. I see it as a masculine spirituality, and I do not mean this in any kind of evaluative way, as I also, as a healer and artist, have a very strongly and highly evolved feminine presence too. The witnessing consciousness is our very nature, it is eternal process of being, it is right where you are, right Now and Here. Witnessing is not part of time, because everything that happens in time becomes a dream.
This is why even in spirit plant medicine enhanced journeys, I rarely have hallucinogenic experiences, but rather just even deeper peace, clarity and understanding beyond my mind, a profound sense of knowing of the Wholeness and the Oneness. And this is why I teach meditation, create meditation Yantras, guide people to their inner centre of being, and write books about it.”
This workshop is specifically designed to initiate and launch you into that state effortlessly, through an alchemical blend of Ivan’s and Lana’s teachings, and their access to the subtle energy realms of existence and, of course, the wisdom and love of the plant medicine.
Join Ivan and Lana and the other truth-seeking fellow meditators in a unique, powerful experience of meditation and healing on all levels – physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual, under their compassionate guidance, both on a conscious and energetic level, infinitely amplified by the wisdom of the spirit of the sacred plant.
Ivan Rados is one of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teachers and meditation masters of the contemporary world. Following a very successful career in art (over 130 exhibitions, as well as his art pieces on permanent displays in the museums throughout UK and Eastern Europe), at the age of 42, he experienced a profound inner awakening that changed his perception of himself and the reality, after which Ivan established a spiritual discipline, which he calls The Middle Point. It is a non-dualistic approach towards wholeness, health and self-actualization.
His books, such as Health It’s all About Consciousness, The Art Of Meditation, Transform Your Life, The Middle Point, Tre Truth, The Language Of Wholeness and many others, are not only bestsellers, but also go-to reads for many Truth seekers around the globe.
Ivan’s contribution to the science of inner transformation has inspired many teachers, masters and healers, who have experienced his healing and have learnt from him, to develop their own unique and powerful conscious-responsive teaching/healing modalities. His teachings could not be placed into any category, as he doesn’t follow, nor does he create followers. Instead, he emphasizes the individual quest, not for the meaning of life, but the meaning of consciousness and removal of the attachments to the illusionary mind.
Ivan calls his approach the true religion, as it is about non-duality, consciousness and being, not about dualistic mind and its ideologies and dogmas, including the new age philosophies. “I am here to offer you my understanding of how to awake in your consciousness, become aware of your being, surpass the mind and to be truly religious again, like spiritual masters in human history, who did not follow any collective sets of beliefs, but rather the path of reuniting with their own being. That is what I call a true religion.”
Ivan’s deep and authentic rooting in the unknown provides him the insight and ability to be of great service to the evolution of Consciousness in these most transformative of times. Ivan travels extensively, taking what he calls his“knowingness” throughout the world, giving TV and radio interviews (check out his interviews on Gaia TV and Buddha at the gas pump You tube channel), facilitating meditation classes, talks, intensives, and retreats.
He regularly provides meditation discourses and individual and group healing sessions from his healing studio in Vancouver, Canada.
Ivan Rados – The Middle Point – The Art Of Meditation
Lana’s qualifications (Clinical Psychologist) were obtained first in her country of origin, former Yugoslavia and later in the UK, where she lived and worked for the National Health Services, in private practice and as a university lecturer in psychology for 9 years.
Since moving to Canada in 2001, in addition to her private practice, Lana has designed and facilitated many therapy groups and lectures, both for clients and colleagues for various community agencies, such Family Services of Grater Vancouver, Burnaby family Life, Canadian Mental Health Association etc.
Lana’s extensive knowledge in the area of human cognitive and emotional development, behaviour and interactions, in addition to her confident, straightforward and sometimes challenging yet warm, caring and accepting style have proven highly effective in assisting her clients to live happier and more fulfilled lives.
Furthermore, Lana’s additional 4 years of intensive post-clinical-psychology training in integrative psychotherapy, as well as her extensive experience has led her to develop not only a unique and highly effective approach, but also unique and powerful techniques for resolution of early childhood and later emotional wounds and trauma. As a result, Lana is now one of the most sought
after therapists, with consistent referrals from doctors, lawyer, addiction centres, ICBC, Crime Victims Assistance, Worksafe etc.
Lana is also a certified Hypnotherapist, NLP therapist, Critical Response and EMDR therapist
Location: South Vancouver, Private Residence Address Provided Upon Registration
I am so grateful. It is one of the best experiences of my life and everything is different now. My entire view of spirituality and witnessing consciousness is altered to the optimal I have ever seen
I had an awareness of all that was happening and saw Ivan’s genius/ essence / consciousness that was infused in the tea. This is heaven. To experience another soul without any words. To know him without even talking to him. To see that he appears to do nothing yet is doing everything. The artist and conductor who is creating a visual in my mind that no other can see. Using his music and artistry, I experience a movie in my mind that takes me out of my body and through a cosmic journey. With my eyes open, I could see the interdimensional grid – the space between the spaces – in holographic form. I was travelling through space and time as pictures formed. I didn’t know I could create this art in my own mind. And I became aware of the genius of all artists and where this creativity comes from – Source. I witnessed myself in my
Most optimal state. The way I was created to be and it felt perfect.
In the end, I got exactly what I came for and it was time for me to go home.
I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much to all for every part that you played!
A.M. Bellia, Vancouver
My biggest reality check in my ceremony with Lana and Ivan was when my soul was floating around above me, I looked down at my body and saw the way I was being at the human level. I realized how judgmental I was. Even though I don’t outwardly say it, I’m constantly judging others for who they are and who they aren’t. Through this experience, I hope to have more empathy and compassion with others.
People say, we are our own worst enemy and it truly is because our mind is our biggest obstacle. There are so many thoughts and emotions that I’ve buried. This journey enabled me to open doors to my subconscious mind and deal with feelings that I’ve been suppressing. I feel truly emotionally liberated!
Through sharing this journey with you all on Friday, I was able to see the beautiful souls in each and everyone of you.
Ivan – You are a true master of creation – a true artist who used your music intuition to intentionally design the evening to be a safe haven for us to allow, accept and let go. It may seem like you did nothing that night but truly, you did everything!
Lana – 1 + 1 does equal EVERYTHING! Thank you for giving me such a positive perspective to treasure my marriage. You and Ivan are such a beautiful couple on the inside and out. I believe you both will transform many lives. I’m excited about what the future holds for you.
L.Chan, Vancouver
Thank you both very much! I was able to see my life pattern quite clearly that night (in the ceremony with Ivan and Lana), so now I know I can make new choices of how I want to live my
future life.
A. Lee, Vancouver
Friday night ( the ceremony with Lana and Ivan) was beautiful, that is the best way I can express it.
I always thought I had a fear of conflict or middle child peacekeeper syndrome when I would try to make different sides find common understanding. At times I thought it was a weakness and doubted my ability to have a solid opinion or be true to my beliefs because of this. After Friday I embraced this characteristic as a practice and a true gift.
After Friday I was able to feel and see a beautiful webbed ball of truths, and how so many things about the same thing can be true at the same time, even when they appear to contradict or be hypocritical. In any situation or experience we may focus on just one web of truth at a time, a web that could brings us joy, frustration, doubt etc, even though so many other webs are true at the same time for the same experience. The amount of truths that exist for every action or experience are endless and how they influence the webs you focus on in future experiences are
also endless, like the stories we tell ourselves and find proof for over our lifetimes. But in fact so many other truths also co-exist about the same thing. On Friday, our "quiet" meditation filled with laughter, foreign languages, nausea and tears were all at the same time true experiences of transcending. None was superior, more enlightened or a better experience, they were all equal in what they gave in their own ways. And how we all reacted to the different moods in the room was also a mosaic of truths, be it frustration, acceptance, indifference or joy. And we could choose to follow one reaction, a few, all or none. This was personal and up to us, but no single reaction was the only truth.
Thinking about the endless webs of truths created a new level of tolerance and understanding for me, both towards others and to myself and about the stories that are etched from my past. I can
want to exercise and be lazy at the same time, hate and love the same person, have a memory be amazing or unfulfilling, feel scared but fierce, be annoyed by my parents but always want them
in my life, see faults in others but within those faults also see the beauty within the same web. These can all be true at the same time.
Thank you all for sharing the space, and to our hosts and leaders who made this happen with so much openness and love.
P. Robinson, Vancouver
The most important realization from my Spirit Medicine journey is for once, I experienced an out of body transcendence experience. For a moment, it kind of felt like I was dying and my soul was leaving my body! The surprising thing is that I wasn’t scared at all. I felt incredible peace and serenity. Now I know why Spirit Medicine is used as a therapy for end stage cancer. If I were ever to end up dying in a hospital, I definitely want to be high on mushrooms! LOL
My biggest reality check when my soul was floating around above me, I looked down at my body and saw the way I was being at the human level. I realized how judgmental I was. Even though I don’t outwardly say it, I’m constantly judging others for who they are and who they aren’t. Through this experience, I hope to have more empathy and compassion with others.
People say, we are our own worse enemy and it truly is because our mind is our biggest obstacle. There are so many thoughts and emotions that I’ve buried. The mushroom journey enabled me to open doors to my subconscious mind and deal with feelings that I’ve been suppressing. I feel truly emotionally liberated!
Thank you for reading these genuine words that came from my heart. It was fun journeying with you and I hope we’ll travel again soon!
Much love,
L. C. – Vancouver
Hi Lana!!
I hope you’re doing well!
I’d like to say thank you and to your beautiful husband for the last healing meeting!! It was a great and amazing work that you’ve done putting all your knowledge, wisdom, kindness and compassion to help us all to get the best results from our healing journey….
My body hasn’t been experiencing so much pain afterwards this time (surprisingly). My stomach feels so good now… and although my back/neck pain is still present it’s not as bad as before…
And I’m sorry I’m getting back to you only now… I’m running extremely busy with my work nowadays (working up to 7days a week), and after work trying to find energy to be a decent mom:))But I want you to know that l love you both with Ivan and that you are now always in my heart and my soul!
Thank you!!!
Tatiana- Vancouver
Hi Lana and Ivan
I am so grateful. It is one of the best experiences of my life and everything is different now. My entire view of spirituality and witnessing consciousness is altered to the optimal I have ever seen
I had an awareness of all that was happening and saw Ivan’s genius/ essence / consciousness that was infused in the tea. This is heaven. To experience another soul without any words. To know him without even talking to him. To see that he appears to do nothing yet is doing everything. The artist and conductor who is creating a visual in my mind that no other can see. Using his music and artistry, I experience a movie in my mind that takes me out of my body and through a cosmic journey. With my eyes open, I could see the inter-dimensional grid – the space between the spaces – in holographic form. I was travelling through space and time as pictures formed. I didn’t know I could create this art in my own mind. And I became aware of the genius of all artists and where this creativity comes from – Source. I witnessed myself in my Most optimal state. The way I was created to be and it felt perfect.
All the intentions I infused into the tea came true. I experienced heaven, astral travel, light language, seeing auras, seeing consciousness, and so much more.
My final piece was to acknowledge the people in my life who witness me. Who know me. Who see my essence and consciousness without me having to do anything. And this is how I view others. I see them, in their glorious beingness, in their genius. On a soul level.
My prayer is that my partner and anyone in my life will see my essence, without me having to say or do anything.
I will treasure this experience for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much to all for every part that you played!
A. M. – Vancouver
A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.
An evening filled with experiences you will ponder and savour ,for a looong time . Ivan and Lana Rados guided meditation is a field trip to the universe , your universe . Where some healed past wounds and traumas , some were steeped in love , sensuality, sacred geometric patterns ,incredible music and tones that swept you and you became a part of ,but all were left with profoundly deepened gratitude and awe!
And that’s only the part I am able to put words to.
C.L.- Vancouver
Location: South Vancouver, Private Residence Address Provided Upon Registration