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4 Factors People 100 Years & Older Share for Longevity & Radiant Living with Dr. Mario Martinez


  It may surprise you to know that people who live to be 100 (and beyond!) have four factors in common that have nothing to do with their genetic makeup, family history, lifestyle choices, diet, environment, or socioeconomic status. In fact, according to clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez, your genes have only a 20 percent impact on your health […]

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The Vagus Nerve’s Pathway to Power with Dr. Melanie Smith


In times of stress or upheaval, is it difficult for you to find a soft place to land? To tap into any sense of peace and relief as you navigate anxiety-provoking circumstances? Many of us are working so hard to maintain, that all our energy is spent on just getting through the day. We’re locked into survival […]