Iboga – Spirit Plant Medicine – Stephen Gray

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Iboga is the name given to a shrub whose natural habitat is in equatorial West Africa. Though not yet well-known outside of that region, this plant medicine also has a long history of human use, particularly as a tool for psychological and spiritual healing. Ibogaine, its primary psychoactive alkaloid, was isolated in 1889 and has in recent decades been shown to have remarkable benefits of its own, especially in the treatment of addiction. 

In West Africa, iboga is most often used as a sacrament of initiation in the Bwiti religion. Bwiti is a widely accepted and officially recognized religion in Gabon and in recent decades has spread to several neighbouring countries. It’s interesting to note that Bwiti is considered a universal religion by its members, open to anyone of sincere intention. There is a powerful vision afoot that sees iboga and ibogaine, like others medicines addressed at the conference, playing an important role in the planetary healing journey.


Stephen Gray was a student, meditation instructor, and teacher of Buddhism for many years. His main practice in recent years has been with the Native American Church. Stephen has also worked with other shamanic traditions, in particular, Amazonian ayahuasca shamanism. As well as his teaching and writing, Stephen composes music for “inner journeying” and has 3 CD’s. Stephen has written for a number of print and online magazines such as Shaman’s Drum, Sacred Hoop, and Reality Sandwich/Evolver.net.
His book, “Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality”, is available for on Amazon.com good bookstores everywhere and in Vancouver at Banyen Books.

He can be contacted via his website, www.stephengrayvision.com

The practice I facilitate around the globe is one of meditative self-inquiry in a series of workshops focused on satsang and the realization of what is eternally present. My sessions provide the opportunity to discover a spaciousness existing within everyone, enabling practitioners to directly experience that they are not the thoughts they habitually think, the emotions they choose to feel, nor this physical body with its limitations of form . . . but rather the living expression of that which is watching the mind, emotions and body.
The practice I facilitate is very simple and without technique. It’s meditative in that it is experienced through the body and not through the mind. It’s possible to have an intellectual understanding of enlightenment but the living truth of it is another matter entirely.
Steve and I have been working together for about 8 years and facilitate the same practice with whatever plant we happen to be working with. The same experience pervading everything. With Iboga the practice is very much that of grounded meditative self-inquiry.

Sean will be returning from the U.K. to the west coast for a third time to offer another weekend iboga ceremony. This is a rare opportunity to work with this powerful and potentially life-changing medicine from equatorial West Africa. The three-day ceremony on May 11-13 will take place on BC’s Sunshine Coast, a couple of hours’ drive plus a short ferry trip from Vancouver.
The cost is $800 which includes accommodation, meals, the medicine, and a lot of caring guidance in a beautiful and peaceful rural setting. The maximum number of participants is 15 and a minimum $200 deposit is required to reserve a space.
For more information or to register, contact Stephen Gray at stephengray@uniserve.com. 


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