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Join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they speak with Miriam Subirana, a Doctor in Fine Arts, The University of Barcelona. Coach, Author and Trainer in Appreciative Inquiry, about her new book “The Joy of Caring: Transforming Difficulties into Possibilities”Miriam shares her profession as a painter and writer with being a teacher of meditation and positive thinking. She coordinates programs, projects, seminars and retreats whose objective is to re-find and live your own identity and enjoy a fuller life. Miriam gives lectures and seminars in different centers, Management Schools and Universities of Spain, Europe, America, Asia and Australia.
“Miriam Subirana’s brushstrokes, so full of spontaneous vitality and colour, show an aesthetic confidence in a new culture that affirms the possibilities of harmony between being, earth and cosmos. These canvases open us up to a spirituality that flows and gives you encouragement. In Miriam Subirana’s landscapes there exists a thread of hope that delights and makes us brave.” José Ribas. Writer.
About Miriam Subirana
Coach, Lecturer, Author and Artist. Trainer in Appreciative Inquiry
- Formed in Self Management Leadership by Oxford Academy.
- Doctor of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona, Spain, 1991 and formed at California College of Arts and Crafts of
Oakland, USA.
- Founder and CEO of Instituto IDEIA, Dialogue and Appreciative Inquiry.
- Founder and CEO of YesOuiSi, Espacio Internacional de Creatividad, Espiritualidad y Coaching.
- She is an international speaker who combines appreciative inquiry, leadership skills with the use of art, creative meditation and mindfulness to awaken and flourish the creative potential of people.
- Taos Institute member.
- Author of 10 books translated into six languages. She collaborates in different magazines, and is a regular writer in the Sunday Magazine of El Pais, main newspaper in Spain.
- She collaborates in L’ofici de viure, Catalunya Ràdio, and Bricolatge Emocional, TV3.
- Trained and certified on Appreciative Inquiry by David Cooperrider and Ron Fry, Case Western University, USA. Trainer on Appreciative Inquiry, giving fundamentals and advanced training in Spain through Institut IDEIA and La Salle Business School. Intervention in companies with AI. Has conducted many AI summits and workshops.
- Coach PCC certificada por la ICF.
- Meditation Trainer.
- Member and lecturer of ISOL Foundation, India (Integrating Spirituality in Organizations and Leadership).
- Trained in Self Management Leadership by Brian Bacon, President of OLA.
- Trained in Coactive Coaching by CTI (Coaches Training Institute).
- Trained in Eneagram.
- Trained as a Mediator in “Facilitation of dialogue processes and efforts on mediation. Program to promote Women Peace-Makers”. Folke Bernadotte Academy, Sandö, Sweden.
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