Language of Divine Communication with Shiri Joshua

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Language ofDivine Communication with Shiri Joshua
Teachings from the consciousness of the animals and the Course in Miracles


Imagine this:  “our only job in life is to be an Antenna!”

The Divine Intelligence communicates with us all the time and in very creative ways (often, with a sense of humour!). Communing with all kingdoms of life can be simple, immediate, and profound if we learn how to
shift our awareness, sharpen our inborn intuitive gifts, and unlock the key to the sacred within.

The animals are gentle teachers of living in the stillness of a given moment, practicing Unconditional Love, and offering Selfless Service. In their purity of simply be-ing they bring us closer to a sense of shared Oneness with all life.

The Course in Miracles teaches that “the veil that has been drawn across reality is lifted” when we enter into a state of perfect communication with the source of all creation (or God). At this state of unity within we step into the magnitude that we are born to manifest as expression of God’s light.  ALL that is required of us is to ask the right questions, listen to guidance, and then act upon it!

Join us for an evening of discussion, healing, and re-membering with our own “miracle-working” powers, through a unique blend of sharing “Universal Truth” teachings from the consciousness of the animals and the Course in Miracles.

Would you like to be able to tap into your own inner guidance system for better decision-making? Do you wish to invite more Joy, Peace, Fulfillment, and Meaning into your life?  Have you ever had doubts about what your purpose might be? This full day experiential workshop will explore in depth teachings from the animals and A Course in Miracles on:   the concept of Divine Communication, how to recognize the Voice of true guidance vs. the voice of Ego, techniques for opening up your innate communication channels, intentional co-creation using Divine Communication through aligning with our life’s purpose, asking the right Questions. recognizing and embracing spiritual “tests,” and what the animals have to teach us about moving from grief to healing, from fear to freedom, and from darkness to Light.

About Shiri:
Shiri R. Joshua, M.A (Couns. Psych), a psychotherapist, intuitive animal healer, speaker, writer, and teacher. Shiri is the founder and co-creator of S.O.U.L Academy: School of Compassion and the Canadian Centre for Pet Loss Bereavement. A humble “spiritual messenger,” Shiri has been dedicating her life and work to bringing teachings from the collective consciousness of the animal kingdom, the Course in Miracles, and other relevant studies of ‘Universal Truth’ with the aim to facilitate a global shift in consciousness towards unity, compassion, love, and respect for all life (incl. Human-to-human). For more information about Shiri’s work please visit


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