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Julia Day (Jewel) CAEH, MMS, CST
I am certified as a CranioSacral Therapist, a Soul Directed Energy Healer & teacher, a Spiritual Healing Practitioner & ordained Inner Focus
minister. My intention is to help people find inner peace and joy in whatever way works best for them, though I personally love the pure non-dual teachings of ‘A Course In Miracles’. My practice is grounded in an 8 year professional training I undertook in the 1990’s called Soul Directed Advanced Energy Healing. It aligns us with our Inner Teacher (or spiritual Self) through our vertical axis and heart, encouraging the unconditional love, light and wisdom of our unchanging eternal nature to flood and anchor into our ‘me’ consciousness as a person/body. This happy alignment within transforms our challenges into transcendent opportunities to experience greater enlightenment, peace and unity awareness in place of pain, blame, fear and suffering. CranioSacral Therapy is another wonderful healing modality from the point of view of Spirit. It soothes, revitalizes and recalibrates our central nervous system by blending with the tissues & cerebral-spinal fluid that flow through the core (vertical axis again) of our seemingly physical self. Somato Emotional Release (SER), an aspect of CST, occurs when ‘energy cysts’ containing stored emotional & mental content gently release. CST supports release from: chronic pain, migraines, learning disabilities, autism; shock, accidents; birth, dental & emotional traumas; anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue; ear & sinus infections; infant developmental delay, colic & other childhood concerns incl. braces; scoliosis, vertigo, asthma, TMJ, arthritis, brain & spinal injuries; insomnia, toxicity, seizure disorders, conflicted mental/emotional states, and just about everything imaginable… It encourages all systems in the body/mind to soften & gently expand with ease and increased awareness. Sessions are not ‘done’ by the therapist but are guided by the Inner Wisdom within both client and therapist. As a techniques-certified CranioSacral therapist, I have studied to advanced levels in CranioSacral Therapy & Somato-Emotional Release through the Upledger Institute where I am also a certified Teaching Assistant & Study Group leader (see: I also host & arrange ‘A Course In Miracles’ workshops & study groups aimed at lovingly undoing the ego through choosing quantum forgiveness. For me, all healing is ultimately spiritual because, deep in our unconscious mind, all of our pain originates from the mistaken idea of imagined separation from what we really are; perfect Oneness with our True Self/Source. My job as a facilitator is simply to witness each client’s absolute wholeness, perfection and innocence. Through authentic perception, which is neutral to all situations and appearances, clients naturally experience themselves anew through direct awareness of their own True Self expressing as infinite Love, transpersonal stillness, core awareness and ‘simply being’.
Best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality will present his seminar – LOVE HAS FORGOTTEN NO ONE The Answer to Life
You can learn to dissolve the illusions of time and space and return to reality which is Perfect Love. This is not love the way the world commonly thinks of it. It’s an all-encompassing kind of love that is perfect spirit: innocent, unflawed, immortal, invulnerable and forever fearless. Gary will teach you exactly how to get to that experience, which upon the end of your physical existence will become your permanent reality. You will find that LOVE has forgotten no one.
• Learn to hear the “echoes”of God’s love – answers to your prayers in unexpected moments of inspiration & surrender
• Experience the power of True Forgiveness that leads directly to inner peace & healing
• Practice True Perception that undoes the ego
Gary shares startling revelations about the power of forgiveness to melt away the world’s mistakes. The truth is we have remained exactly as God created us, which is perfect spirit. The experience of this can be awakened to.
Time: 10 am – 4 pm – Doors will open at 9:15 am
Tickets: $115 CAD (including GST) At the Door $125
Tickets can be purchased at Banyen Books, 3608 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver
Or Call 604-298-4011 (in Vancouver) Email:
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