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Awareness of the spirits and energy around you is a major step in taking control of your life. Ability to control spiritual influence on your life, karma, and subconscious thoughts brings you absolute energetic freedom.Join us in Speaking to Charles and Tinaabout how you can cultivate your own abilities and understand how to release your spirit to higher levels of health & happiness.
Everyone has the ability to communicate with deceased loved ones, and this 2-day certification class taught by Charles Virtue and Tina Daly will help you to hone your natural gift of Mediumship.
The fastest way to heal from grief is to have healing conversations with departed loved ones. Awareness of the spirits and energy around you is a major step in taking control of your life. Ability to control spiritual influence on your life, karma, and subconscious thoughts brings you absolute energetic freedom.
Charles and Tina will guide you through the process of intuitively detecting when you are in the presence of a spirit or deceased loved one/family member. You will learn the little-known methods of “spirit release” a powerful and effective healing method for depression, anxiety, and other ailments through the process of releasing earthbound spirits.
Whether you want to learn about Mediumship for your own comfort and communication with departed loved ones, or you wish to help others, this class will help you increase your self-confidence and your psychic abilities.
You will learn the skills of:
*Increasing your clarity in hearing divine messages
*Boosting your confidence in your mediumistic skills
*Discern departed loved ones in the aura of your client
*Discern familial relationship of departed loved one to client
*Receive specific details on departed loved one to verify your readings
*Methods of clearing, shielding, and healing yourself
*Automatic writing
Every participant receives a ‘Certified Medium’ certificate upon completion of the class.
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