Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience – Graham Nicholls

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CMN-GN-2011-webGraham Nicholls is the English author of Avenues of the Human Spirit, and Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience. He has had hundreds of OBEs since 1987, several of which have been described as the most powerful examples on record. Since the early 90s he has also designed and built technology using virtual reality, sound and video to induce altered states of consciousness

Graham now speaks widely on issues related to his out-of-body experiences, and parapsychology at venues including Cambridge University, The Society for Psychical Research, and London’s Science Museum. He approaches his work with a scientific outlook and has conducted experiments into telepathy and precognition with author and biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

His work has also been featured by much of the quality press, including the BBC, The Independent, The Times, The Telegraph, and alternative media ranging from AfterlifeTV to Lilou Mace.

Graham is the author of two books:

Avenues of the Human Spirit,

and Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience—Body-Experience-Techniques/dp/073872761X,

which Canadian listeners might be interested to know is also available in French

Please visit for information on his tuition, books, and workshops.

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