Non-Duality with Ramji & Daz

In Vancouver, BC Tune in every Wednesday 6 – 7 PM to CFRO – 100.5 FM

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Darryl aka, ‘Daz’ Snaychuk, is an internationally experienced photographer who has always wrestled with existing by and expressing higher ideals, than what the world seemed to be satisfied with. In the early 90’s, a willingness to question and face the truth of a suffered, raging unworthiness, led to a spontaneous non-dual awakening vision, in which the beauty and perfection of everything was shockingly revealed – as being just beyond our investment in our limited personal stories. 
A period of 15 years passed which included various mild explorations of yoga, meditation and spiritual reading, until a renewed willingness and enthusiasm for opening to healing and the truth – triggered an event in which he was physical forced to the ground by ‘spirit’ and held there while visions of himself as not the body appeared and energy blockages were seemingly blasted open. Countless mystical experiences occurred in the few years following this opening, and while deeply moving and inspiring, there continued to be a lack of a full comprehension and clarity of the ‘divinity’ that was being revealed to him.
Eventually travelling to India, where he explored the lovely and poetic ‘satsangs’ of a popular youtube ‘Guru,’  he nonetheless felt as though what was offered in the way of so-called Truth was quite vague and inconsistent. It was then that he was told of a teacher of Indian scripture, and after having the typical reaction of resistance to engaging such a stuffy old form of intellectual pursuit, he made the choice to investigate what was on offer. In his first experience of listening to this teacher, James ‘Ramji’ Swartz, he immediately knew very clearly and strongly, that Here, is where I will get the answers to the questions and doubts that I have!”
He spent two winters in India studying with Ramji and co-organized a very well received retreat last year on Salt Spring Island. It is with great pleasure that he is again co-presenting a teaching event with Ramji, this time in Vancouver, from July 13 – 17th. It is his sincere wish that those who are ready for a realization of themselves as whole and complete, limitless happiness itself, may find this profound and clear offering and benefit from it.

My name is James Swartz and I was born in Butte, Montana in 1941. I grew up in Lewiston, Idaho and had a very happy childhood. However, the small world of Lewiston could not contain me and at seventeen I left for a military prep school in Minnesota. I spent two years in a liberal arts college in Wisconsin, was expelled for disciplinary reasons, and enrolled in the University of California at Berkeley in 1963. Six months short of graduation I ran off to Hawaii where I started a successful small business. But something was terribly wrong; at twenty six I had become an alcoholic, chain smoking glutonous adulterer and life in every espect was not worth living. One day in the Post Office in Waikiki I had a life changing epiphany that put me on the path to freedom. You can download the story of my spiritual quest to find out what happened. For more about my remarkable journey, read MYSTIC BY DEFAULT

Follow up events:

Non-Duality with Ramji
~ A Residential Spiritual Retreat (Open to Commuters) ~
Talks on Self Inquiry and Mystery Beyond the Trinity (Tripura Rahasya)

July 13 – 15, 2012 (Weekend — Vision of Non-Duality Intro)
July 13 – 17, 2012 (Four Days — Self Inquiry Immersion)

Lower Mainland, BC, Canada (near Vancouver)
Resident spaces limited and by reservation only.
Includes sattvic, vegetarian meals with vegan & raw options.