Peace Through Unity with Unity.Earth


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Join Marc Caron as he speaks Ben Bowler from Unity Earth about their mission to foster and inspire world peace though unity.

UNITY EARTH is a global network on a mission to accelerate the realization of unity and peace on Earth
Inspired by the world’s wisdom traditions and born out of the desire to meet global-sized challenges with global-sized solutions, the network is built to amplify the reach and impact of peace-aligned organizations and individuals

UNITY EARTH’s programs and activities focus at the intersection of spirituality, science, technology, transformative practices, and the arts, to engage people across cultures, generations, and geographical boundaries. UNITY EARTH grows community by sharing stories and experiences to create a new story for humanity.

Each year in June, World UNITY Week embraces a diverse array of significant events including the mid-year Solstice, Yoga Day, UN Refugee Day and many more. The purpose of this FREE online gathering is to strengthen and support the global community towards unity and peace. World UNITY Week launches the 99 Days of Peace through Unity culminating in Peace Week in September. World UNITY Week offers something for EVERYONE with a host of inspiring, engaging and interactive events, presentations and collaborative opportunities.



15-22 June, 2024

Dancing the Dream…The Dream of UNITY…The Dream of Restoration…The Dream of Healing… The Dream of Humanity’s Sacred Mission

Dancing with Divinity…Dancing With Each Other…Dancing In Infinity…Dancing The Dream…Dance, Dance Wherever You May Be

Join us from June 15th to 22nd for a celebration of Unity and Peace. World UNITY Week is an extraordinary, free online event that aligns global observances like the mid-year Solstice, International Yoga Day, and UN Refugee Day with our vibrant tapestry of interconnected groups, organizations, and visionary individuals.

This year, we launch our theme “Dancing the Dream,” inviting you to move in rhythm with a global community aspiring to a harmonious world.


World Peace Week September 2024

UNITY EARTH embarked on its transformative journey with the inception of the first U Day Festival in Thailand back in 2012. As we fast forward to 2024, this year marks the pinnacle of a twelve-year odyssey—a culmination of endeavors, experiences, and collective aspirations. Peace Week 2024: Land Of The Rising Sun beckons, a profound week-long pilgrimage spanning the sacred lands of Japan. Our journey commences in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, where the pulse of modernity harmonizes with ancient tradition. From there, we traverse towards the majestic slopes of Mount Fuji, a beacon of serenity and spiritual resonance. Finally, our path converges upon the historic city of Hiroshima, a poignant testament to resilience, reconciliation, and the enduring pursuit of peace.

This momentous event is not merely a standalone occurrence but rather a continuation of the esteemed U Day Festival series, which first graced the world stage in December 2012 amidst the enchanting landscapes of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Subsequent chapters unfolded with U DAY Ethiopia: Land of Origins in 2018, followed by Holy Land Living Water in 2020—each installment a testament to the universality of our shared human experience and the intrinsic yearning for unity amidst diversity.

In the heart of Japan, amidst the sakura blossoms and the echoes of history, we gather to commemorate not only the conclusion of a twelve-year journey but also the dawn of a new era—a testament to the enduring spirit of UNITY EARTH. This pilgrimage symbolizes a profound testament to the power of collective action, transcending geographical boundaries, cultural divides, and ideological differences in pursuit of a common goal: peace.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you, dear global citizens, to join us on this sacred pilgrimage. Together, let us forge ahead, hand in hand, with an extraordinary collective of Peace-Builders from every corner of the globe. As we embark on this culminating journey of UNITY EARTH’s 2012-2024 series of worldwide events, let us reaffirm our commitment to fostering harmony, understanding, and compassion across all borders.

Amidst the tapestry of diverse cultures and traditions, we find common ground—a shared humanity that unites us in our quest for a better world. This is not merely a journey of physical exploration but a spiritual odyssey—a voyage of the soul towards a future where peace reigns supreme.

In the footsteps of those who came before us, let us chart a course towards a world where love triumphs over hatred, understanding over ignorance, and unity over division. Join us as we write the final chapter of the global U Day Series—a testament to the enduring power of hope, perseverance, and the indomitable human spirit. 


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