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Join Tasha and Marc as they speak with Asha Gayle Dieleman (Gayle), a transformational teacher and coach. Asha supports and inspires individuals through her online courses and live seminars to discover the power of their own unique personal vibration,to create more satisfaction in every aspect of their lives and inspiring them to contribute their gifts and talents toward making the world a better place. Asha has also taught yoga and meditation for more than 25 years, was trained and mentored as a trainer of yoga teachers at Kripalu Center in Massachussets and was one of the first in Vancouver in early 2000’s to begin teacher training programs. She has also studied shamanism, particularly with the Maya, and today studies with physicist and consciousness explorer, Tom Campbell.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
The power of personal vibration is everything – it is like turning up the dial of your soul!
It transmits the quality of your soul consciousness to everyone around you before you even say a word. Once you understand what it is and how to take care of it, the power of your personal vibration will transform every aspect of your life, from health and relationships, to your career and finances. When the power of your consciousness is available and put into active service every aspect of who you are gets an upgrade and everyone around you benefits from being in range of your powerful vibe. You literally change the world from the inside out!
Tapping the Power of Personal Vibration is for empaths, artists, healers, yoga teachers and spiritual seekers who want to master the power of personal vibration to more fluidly shift into alignment with higher consciousness to enjoy greater health, wealth and happiness while they go about the business of making the world a better place.
Want to Discover the quality of your personal vibration that you radiate out into the world?
Take the Personal Frequency Test
Managing personal vibration is the next big skill set…
As human beings we are constantly evolving and adapting to our environment. Today, your environment has radically changed. You are literally immersed within an ocean of invisible man-made electromagnetic frequencies from cellphones, wifi, and other devices that have the capacity to wreak havoc with your health. Many are already suffering from electrosensitivity and even more serious illness. When you understand how consciousness works according to the radical insights we are learning from physics, you will be equipped with the information and practical knowledge that you need to begin to manage your personal frequency from a more powerful place and be less affected by the disharmonious frequencies around you. You gain the ability to hold your own vibration whatever the circumstances.
To illustrate just how powerful this kind of system upgrade can be, Asha to shares with you a personal story that put her on the quest to understanding energy and vibration. How a Shift In Frequency That Changed Asha’s Life- Click Here
The transformation from doing to being….is profound!
This is where you have access to the true power and presence of your soul consciousness. This is the authentic YOU, the one you have been waiting for, the driving force behind what you want to create in the world and how you can make a difference.
Learn How to Manage and Increase Your Personal Vibration
- Here is some of what will transform your experience in this exciting new program:
It all starts with the breath! You may already know a lot about the benefits of deep breathing but you may have not learned about how the breath is directly tied to your personal vibration and impacts your thoughts, emotional state and your overall health. This is the secret to managing anxiety, fatigue, depression and pain symptoms you may be experiencing. - Get to know your personal vibration as a unique frequency signature that you can transmit out into your environment and learn how to quickly pick up on the incoming transmissions of others. You will also get noticed as a powerful presence in a crowded room and attract in the people who are a vibrational match to yours, as well as a host of admirers!
- Strengthen your personal vibration so you can navigate through different frequencies that may be disharmonious with your own and not include that data within your personal vibration. An essential skill for anyone working with the public that is so much more than smudging, although that also helps.
- Protect from incoming psychic viruses coming through your digital devices and put into place a simple yoga routine or breathing practice as a regular maintenance program so you can scan your body and field for distress signals before they become bigger issues and develop into health problems. This will keep you grounded and help clear brain fog. Particularly important if you log a lot of hours of screen time. Become your own psychic anti-virus.
- Apply tools like conscious breathwork and specific sound vibrations to alter your brain wave frequencies so you can access a clear channel of communication with your higher consciousness and the wider consciousness community that you are naturally connected to, but have likely neglected. Get to know this community again so it will provide you with regular guidance and a directional compass for your hero’s journey. This will increase the number of synchronicities and ‘aha’ moments in your life. Guaranteed.
- Help your friends, family and clients with health concerns or serious illness by learning how to transmit LOVE to help them heal. At any moment, from anywhere. They don’t even have to know about it. How cool is that Superpower?
Tapping the power of Personal Vibration is a 4-part program that includes:
- – 4 Teaching sessions with activities and practices to apply at home.
- – 4 Guided Audio Meditations
- – Hand-outs & Worksheets
- – Access to an online course so you can re-visit the teaching over and over again and really get clear.
PLUS two 45-minute coaching session to address some of your unique concerns and support you on your journey.
Intro Event: Tapping the Power of Personal Vibration:
Thursday, August 22nd
Entry: $15
Click Here for more details and to sign up Now
Here are the details:
- Tuning-In To Home Frequency For Optimal Health and Wellness
– You will become better acquainted with your Personal Vibration and learn how to stay grounded in that vibration with simple yoga techniques. This involves learning how to center and de-frazzle your nervous system so that your body’s natural ability to restore balance and wellbeing kicks in for you. This is key to maintaining your home frequency.
– Learn how to de-code the range of vibrational messages coming at you from your immediate environment so you can remain grounded in your home frequency. - Re-align with Home Vibration When You are Knocked Off Balance – Practice techniques to shift blocked energy and emotions with a finely tuned state of awareness so you can eliminate old patterns and programs that no longer serve your highest good and obscure your Personal Vibration. – Develop your intuition to get a reliable ‘read’ on your environment and as a guide to understanding the motivations and needs of others so that your interpersonal relationships are transformed and know how to re-center yourself when negative vibrations get you down and instead choose to live and love from your highest vibration, in harmony with your soul’s purpose.
- Moving Into Direct Communication With Non-physical Consciousness
– Access useful non-physical guidance and information from your higher consciousness and from the larger consciousness system with increasing clarity by learning a simple meditation technique that you can practice anywhere.
– Improve your ability to frame questions for the non-physical by knowing how to form a clear intention that will invite a clear response.
– Practice sending your personal frequency signal out into the field to be recognized so the data you are seeking becomes more readily available. - Applying Personal Vibration and Loving Intention As A Healing Act of Love
– Access your innate healing power to through combination of self-love and empowered choice.
– Align your personal vibration with the power of universal love and discover your ability to gain helpful information about the dis-ease of others provide healing assistance to anyone in need.
About Asha – Her Extraordinary Journey On the Way To Presence, Power and Purpose…
The Early Days
Intensive immersion into the world of frequency and vibration which developed neuroplasticty of the brain as well as the discipline to sit for long
periods – excellent preparation for her later meditation practice: In the early, early days, from age 8 to 18, Gayle studied classical music on the pipe organ. Coming from a Dutch Protestant family where the pipe organ was revered, she was given weekly lessons and logged many long hours of practice with her mother’s kitchen timer (to make sure she didn’t cut it short) keeping beat with the metronome. At the age of 18 Gayle completed her Grade 10 Western Board exam and won first prize in the Manitoba Music Festival in the pipe organ category (Photo: third from the right). Her swan song from her formal studies was Bach’s ‘Toccata and Fugue in D-‘ . Unfortunately, there are no recordings of her playing that have survived, but to give you a taste of the classic
al pipe organ, tune in here.
Gayle’s career began in fashion when she caught the eye of acclaimed Vancouver fashion figure, Monique Gabin, who hired her as her Assistant Buyer at the ripe age of twenty for her chain of womens’ fashion stores called MG1. Monique mentored her in business and modelled how to be a heart-centered and powerful woman.
Monique and Gayle shared an interest in spirituality and she was introduced to a psychic medium who provided her with a personal experience that represented irrefutable proof of an afterlife. This confirmation of life after death initiated a deep spiritual exploration of spirituality and metaphysics that would become the hallmark of Gayle’s life.
For more information on Asha and her programs Visit:
Work-out Classes – A Crash Course in Resonance
Making a quick career change early on, Gayle returned to her home town of Winnipeg and became one of the city’s leading fitness instructors first with a company called Bodyworks and later with her own fitness studio called the Westminster Workout: Where Your Body Will Come Alive, Your Spirit Will Soar, and Your Socks Don’t Have to Match. It was an immediate hit and a thriving community hub for a number of years. Her taught high intensity ‘pump-it-up’ kinds of classes, all the rage back then, but the classes she always got the most satisfaction from were her own style of yoga-stretch class.
These classes were an entryway into the world of vibration and resonance. Workout classes were a modern, high energy version of tribal dance where the community gets together to shake and move to the same beat. The sweaty ‘high’ experience during a work-out was a form of brain entrainment and vibrational resonance that was very satisfying.
Peace Activist
In the mid-’80’s Gayle was an active participant in the grass roots peace movement in Winnipeg, participating as a board member of the Winnipeg Coordinating Committee for Disarmament and helping to plan the annual Walk for Peace and serving as a delegate to the Canadian Peace Alliance, attending conferences internationally. In the mid-’80’s Walks for Peace were happening in every major city in North America as citizens acted to protest the nuclear arms race between East and West and a potential nuclear conflict that might destroy all life on the planet. In 1984, approximately 100,000 citizens took to the streets in New York City, and in Winnipeg 40-50,000 concerned citizens took part. A major inspiration at this time was Dr. Helen Caldicott, featured in the documentary, ‘If You Love This Planet’.
Gayle also served as a Winnipeg representative to the Canadian Peace Alliance, travelling internationally to attend peace conferences in the former Soviet Union, Greece, the UK, Germany and Czechoslovakia. This provided an excellent geopolitical education and direct insight into the manipulation of the mainstream media coverage of such events worldwide.
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Lenox, Massachusetts
In 1992, thanks to one of her fitness students who had become a yoga devotee, Gayle was gifted with an opportunity to study yoga at Kripalu Center, and with the development of her yoga skills, her business morphed into a fitness and yoga centre. The yoga offered an opportunity to bring the group experience into a more refined version of resonance – a deep, inward journey into altered states of consciousness.
Asha Gayle spent about 10 years commuting between her home in Winnipeg and Kripalu Center, one of America’s largest yoga retreat centers. In the ’80’s and ’90’s Kripalu was a traditional yoga ashram with a guru, Amrit Desai, and a residential community of more than 100 virtuous and dedicated yogis. She completed her Level 1 and Level 2 teacher training and was subsequently invited to become part of the yoga teacher training staff, first as a volunteer and later as a paid program director.
At Kripalu she got a taste of the guru/disciple relationship and also learned from the multitude of fine teachers who passed through Kripalu’s doors: a young Deepak Chopra, Bikram Choudry, John Gray, Caroline Myss, Beryl Birch Bender, Judith Lasater and so many more. Her skill as a yoga teacher was refined and she quickly applied all of her new learning to her yoga studio back
home. Asha Gayle was privileged to be one of a handful of teachers who were mentored as a director of the Kripalu’s teacher training program. She learned the skill of holding space for deep, transformational experiences and to facilitate groups of 40-60 students or more. She witness and experienced altered states of consciousness through the meditative, pranic style of yoga practiced at Kripalu and deepened her education of what is possible in terms of human frequency.
While travelling to study at Kripalu, Asha Gayle simultaneously ran a yoga studio in Winnipeg called Heartland Yoga. She also hosted a popular public access TV show called Discovering Yoga. This business ended prematurely when she became pregnant with twins and chose to be nearer the babies’ father in Mexico.
For a couple of years Asha taught yoga in the Mexican city of Playa Del Carmen and, although it was short-lived, opened one of the first yoga studios in the area called Maya Yoga Del Caribe on Calle Corazon.
Shamanic Education
Simultaneous to her Kripalu education, Asha also embarked on a series of shamanic initiations in Mexico with Maya Elder, Hunbatz Men as well as other shamanic teachers: Don Alejandro Cerillo Perez of Guatemala, Maya/Aztec Shaman, Quetza-sha, and Cherokee teacher, Barbara Hand Clow. She toured the pyramids of the Yucatan peninsula and Central America with spiritual seekers from around the world and discovered new multi-dimensional approaches to spirituality and an entirely new cosmology.
During one of the ceremonies Asha experienced a shift in personal frequency that had a profound effect on her life. With Hunbatz Men, Asha also discovered that kundalini yoga and the chakras were not unique to India. They were to be found in ancient Mexico also in the form of Yok’hah Maya.More than that, Asha found that the seven centers of power were universal in nature and to be found in ancient Egypt and within Native American traditions like the Cherokee. This added further inspiration to her quest for the deeper meaning of life and the process of enlightenment.
Yoga Teacher Training, Vancouver, British Columbia
Asha was one of the first instructors of yoga teachers in the Vancouver area in the 2000’s and certified hundreds of yoga teachers through her yoga academy called Nirvana School of Yoga which operated out of locations like the popular Open Door Yoga Studio, Semperviva Yoga and the Pacific Inn in South Surrey.
She also brought groups of students to Mexico on yoga vacations and for teacher training. She was one of the pioneers of yoga destination-retreats beginning in the mid-nineties and continuing through this period.
Asha Gayle continues her studies in consciousness and frequency as an avid student of NASA physicist and consciousness expert, Tom Campbell, author of My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything). She has adopted his theory as her current working model of reality based on the principle of love and cooperation as the driving force behind our evolution.
Through Tom’s work she has found new opportunities to expand her journey within the larger consciousness system to lower her entropy and evolve into a more loving, compassionate and wise version of herself.
Today, Asha is a transformational coach and teacher who works with Personal Frequency and the Seven Centers of Power as a roadmap to help sincere seekers make meaning of their lives and their purpose for being. Recently, Asha Gayle created Presence, Power and Purpose for spiritual teachers, influencers and seekers to tap into the power of personal vibration so they can show up powerfully in the world and truly make a difference.
She lives with her two daughters in Vancouver and continues to spend as much time as possible in Mexico’s Riviera Maya.
For more information on Asha and her programs Visit:
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