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About Dhyan Vimal – Born in a small fishing village of the East coast of Malaysia, DV lived a childhood of simple means. His parents were traditional Indian, second generation immigrants. Throughout his childhood, DV was never interested in the normal pursuits of boys his own age. This situation left this child spending most of his time in solitude but also the complete centre of attraction because of his penchant for being a great storyteller, where he attracted and would be surrounded by the customers at his grandfather’s shop. The first, most profound experience that he remembers was at this time, at the age of six, when an experience, a taste of the beyond was experienced. This DV later came to recognize as the first satori. However, his mother has related an earlier occasion at the age of four, when he had another experience. Never one for the academics, DV spent most of his time on his own; swimming, fishing the seas, away from the eyes of the ever watchful mother. Towards early adulthood, DV left the village to further his studies in the city of Kuala Lumpur where he was in a situation in which he was totally dependent on himself for a living.
From the age of 16 to 25, this was the time when he was really searching, a dark period of self-dependence. This period yielded a few interesting and important moments which DV has shared with me, which I feel must be put down. One was a meeting with an old rishi who had resided in the Himalayas for many years and had only come back because he was dying and his family wanted him to. DV didn’t know or recognise the significance of his meeting with this kindly, old man. All that it meant at that time, was that this old man placed his hands on DV’s head and said, “What I have, I pass on to you …
Today, Master has created a simple system, The Four Disciplines, so meditation is for you and me, for us who live this life, in this world. For us who are here, now in this moment, in this mad, chaotic, exciting, crazy life. All I have written is just my observation and may I add that it has been a blessing and my privilege to have been around in this space and time with the Master.
Sri Paramahamsa Nithyananda – An Enlighten Master and Modern Mystic. Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda, was born on January 1st, 1978 in Southern India and embarked upon his spiritual journey at a young age, enduring years of rigorous penance. Through intense meditation practices and in depth study of Yoga, Tantra, Vedanta, and Shaiva philosophies, he attained the ultimate state of consciousness, the State of Nithyananda (Eternal Bliss). Having emerged as an inspiring personality, Nithyanandaji transforms individuals around the globe through his simple teachings and powerful meditation techniques. Nithyanandaji’s mission is to help each individual actualize his inherent potential. With a pragmatic and compassionate approach, and an enlightened insight into the core of human nature, Nithyanandaji continues to touch and transform the lives of millions across the world. His lucid explanation of practical issues and simple and dynamic meditation techniques help individuals to blossom at the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. By offering Himself as a subject for research, Nithyanandaji works with scientists across the globe to bridge the modern Western system of logic and evidence-based science and the ancient Eastern system of mysticism. These studies thus help bridge the gap between science and spirituality for the benefit of humanity.
Dhyanapeetam in the East and Life Bliss Foundation in the West were established by Nithyanandaji, work towards the goal of creating a blissful society, and currently serve through 1200 centers in 33 countries, in addition to 33 Nithyananda Meditation Academies, and continues to grow at a rapid pace. Thousands of volunteers (Ananda Sevaks ) work to support the mission world over.
Sri Dheera from Swami Nithyananda Mission will be taking part in the discussion. Sri Dheera – Maha Acharya (Senior Teacher) of Swami Nithyananda’s Mission. Sri Dheera is an internationally known leadership trainer and expedition leader. He is the first person in the world to lead expeditions to the three extremes – Everest and the North and South Poles. Nithyananda Dheera has gone on to use his leadership skills to teach at the highest levels of business and non-profit organizations from Harvard to Tokyo.
He met Swami Nithyananda in 2005 and immediately recognized the amazing abilities of this Enlightened Master and since then has been teaching courses for the Life Bliss Foundation. He is a Maha Acharya (Senior Teacher), now an Ashramite in LA Ashram and Director of the Ananda Sevak Program.
400+ discourses of Nithyanandaji on
Nithyananda Meditation Academy Unit 5 – 111 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC (Manitoba and W.Broadway)
Tel: 604-628-4479 Email:
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