Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar – Jeffrey Armstrong

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Universal Wisdom for Today’s Leaders

The real treasures of the East weren’t jewels, spices or exotic perfumes, but the amazing treasure house of sacred and universal knowledge. This knowledge, originally written in Sanskrit and increasingly validated by modern science, is now being embraced by cutting-edge corporations, professionals and visionary leaders throughout the world.

Jeffrey Armstrong has drawn the seeds of this new vision from the sacred teachings of India and the Far East, and has masterfully compiled them into a complete system of lifestyle tools which include personal relationship skills, spiritual knowledge and health and healing practices. His books, tapes and CDs will not only expand your consciousness in areas of everyday life, but will accelerate your ongoing spiritual journey.
Jeffrey Armstrong
is one of a new breed of corporate speakers and consultants who are working to bring soul into the workplace and heart into the way we do business. Jeffrey’s innovative fusion of Western technology and Eastern wisdom offers a revolutionary new vision for cutting-edge businesses seeking to embody spiritual values that cultivate long-term sustainability, bio-diversity, multiculturalism and responsible expansion. The resulting paradigm shift demands dynamic creativity, constant education, a commitment to evolution and personal growth in companies serious about protecting the environment for future generations.

In recent years, an impassioned, creative model of corporate responsibility has become a necessity for human survival. Jeffrey Armstrong’s seven years of corporate executive work in the competitive world of Silicon Valley, ten years of corporate speaking for Fortune 500 companies and thirty-five years of dedication to Eastern wisdom has placed him at the forefront of speakers and consultants inspiring radical change in the way corporations conduct global business.

Jeffrey has a new book coming out soon…

Teachings of the Avatar

Ancient Wisdom for a New

International Book Launch Celebration

Discover the original Avatars and learn how their ancient wisdom can profoundly change the way you view the world.

June 29, 2010, Vancouver, BC
at the Unity Church 5840 Oak,

More Info

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