Evolving Consciousness: Breathwork & Channeled Workshop

Join psychic medium, channeler, life coach and energy worker, Cecilia Mackie and breathwork practitioner & emotional alchemist, Joshua Nesta for an incredibly unique journey into the mystical with gamma breathwork, channeled meditations, and messages from the guides about how we can raise our vibration in order to restore harmony, both as individuals and as a […]

Transform Your Aura – With Sarah Jennings

Transform Your Aura – With Sarah Jennings

Join Tasha Simms and myself, Marc L Caron as we speak with Sarah Jennings, an International Aura Mediator™ Instructor. Aura transformation is the ultimate in consciousness expansion, setting off a process of Crystallising your spirit energy into every cell, dissolving karmic, ancestral & collective imprinting and clearing eons of emotional baggage. Aligning your frequency to the Crystal […]