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Since the early 1990’s, Shivan has been exploring, experiencing and discovering the world of tantra. In 2006 he visited the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune India where he facilitated Osho Meditations and participated in Tantra Groups based on the teachings of Osho.
He spent the past several years studying with amazing tantra teachers in India, England, South America, Netherlands and Canada. Shivan has studied tantra extensively with Homa and Mukto of Brazil, living and practicing in Tantric communal living at Osheanic, a tantric and Osho retreat centre near Fortaleza.
As well, his other training includes, breathwork, active meditation, transpersonal counselling, family constellation, psychodrama, intuitive bodywork, psycho-intuitive counselling and more.
A passionate musician, artist, photographer, improvisational actor Shivan enjoys working with people to enhance their personal journey of authentic life, love and relationships.
Prema combines more than 20 years of experience in Eastern medicine, meditation, emotional release work, and body-mind therapies to guide you in your journey to wholeness and clarity about who you really are.
Her journey with Tantra started 20 years ago with Margot Anand and continued with other teachers of Western style Tantra. In 2011 she started participating in Osho Tantra groups in Pune, India and has studied with teachers in Rishikesh in the Mahasiddha lineage of Tantra.
Her training includes breathwork, bioenergetics, chakra therapy, active meditations, and trauma release. In individual sessions and groups, Prema’s focus is on transforming that which no longer serves you and creating a healthier, happier, and more passionate life.

Tantra: Awakening the Heart
with Shivan and Prema in Vancouver! July 10 to 12, 2015
Where: Bridge and Enrich Society, 20th & Fraser, Vancouver
Friday 19:00 to Sunday 17:00
Registration: $195.00
Email: or click here for more information.
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