The Age of Aquarius: 2020 from a Conscious Perspective and How to Make the Best of 2021

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In this episode of CLR,  join Tasha Simms and Marc Caron as they discuss The Age of Aquarius: 2020 from a Conscious Perspective and How to Make the Best of 2021.

Tune in for a review of the best of 2020, regardless of the challenges, what was great about your 2020? What did you learn? How did you cope and navigate the current global situation? How did you overcome your obstacles and challenges?

Now, with 2021 well underway, we are entering into the Age of Aquarious? What does that mean? Waht does that mean to you? What are your goals, your dreams, your desires? How will you make 2021 the best year ever?

Tasha and I speak about a number of tools and solutions to support you in navigating the future! One of the suggestions Tasha shared was to have a theme song that moves and inspires you? Do you have a them song?

Tasha’s Theme Song for 2021 – Don’t Hold Your Breath  by Wookiefoot



Marc’s theme Song For 2021



Here’s what Jupiter and Saturn’s big move into this futuristic sign means for next year and beyond.

Given that 2020 has been utterly brimming with change and upheaval (to put it lightly), many people are breathing a sigh of relief that a new year is right around the corner. Sure, on the surface, 2021 might feel like nothing more than a turn of the calendar page, but when it comes to what the planets have to say, there’s reason to believe that a new era is on the horizon.

Boundary-setting Saturn and big-picture Jupiter have spent much of the past year in cardinal earth sign Capricorn, but on December 17 and 19 respectively, they’ll move into fixed air sign Aquarius, where they will both remain for much of 2021. (Related: The Best Gifts for Every Zodiac Sign)

Because both planets move so slowly — Saturn switches signs every 2.5 years, while Jupiter spends about one year in a sign — they tend to affect social patterns, norms, trends, and politics more than your everyday life.

Here are the details on what their shift from traditionalist Capricorn into progressive Aquarius — dubbed the Age of Aquarius — means for the year ahead and beyond.

Read the Full Article here:

The Transition from Capricorn to Aquarius

Saturn — the planet of restriction, limitations, boundaries, discipline, authority figures, and challenges — might sound like a downer, but it can also serve as a stabilizing force. It can serve as a reminder that you often need to learn hard lessons and do the work to better understand yourself and the world around you, evolve, and grow. And its effect can also bolster commitment and help create lasting foundations and structures. From December 19, 2017 to March 21, 2020, and again from July 1, 2020 to December 17, 2020, Saturn was “at home” in pragmatic Capricorn (the sign it rules), bringing an industrious, nose-to-the-grindstone vibe to social structures.

Because it’s ruled by Saturn, Cap is known to be traditionalist and old school — so it’s no wonder that Saturn’s time in its home sign has been marked by conservative power.


Here’s the live recording…Enjoy!

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