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Dr. Miceal Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c), served as a Catholic priest and as Professor of Theology and College President for over 25 years in Ireland. During the course of his academic and administrative careers he lectured extensively to interested adult groups in many countries and continues to speak at venues all over the world today. He is a long-time member of Ramtha’s School of Ancient Wisdom and has been invited to speak at Events held by the school for several years at many venues throughout the world. He was one of the scholars featured in “What the Bleep Do We Know,” and its sequel “Down the Rabbit Hole.” More Info
No one can argue against the fact that the birth of Jesus was a pivotal point in human history. What we often don’t realize is that those times into which he was born were very similar to our own in the degree to which people had given away their power to religious organizations, or other groups claiming to offer an external form of redemption. Into those times, Jesus came to blaze a trail for all people to follow. His ideal was to show how the power that is within every man and woman could be drawn forth, and how they could manifest a life of abundance, joy, and freedom from tyranny, want and disease. His purpose was never to be a suffering savior who died to appease the anger of a vengeful God.
How did he do what he did; where did the message come from, and what about all those miracles he performed? When we try to answer those questions we soon come to realize that ninety per cent of the life of Jesus is actually missing from the New Testament. In this weekend Seminar we will look at those “hidden years” of Jesus, particularly the eighteen year period between the ages of twelve and thirty, and what he experienced then in Egypt, India and Tibet.
We will examine how this journey molded the message he came to preach in Israel, which culminated in his great saying to all who would follow him down the ages: “You will do all the miracles that I do, and greater than these will you do.” (Gospel of St. John, Chapter 14). We will look at where this is or is not happening among those who claim to follow him today, and what it tells us about how badly misunderstood that message has become.
The turn of events shortly after he finished his public ministry turned his message into something very different from what he had intended. We will dissect what went wrong and identify what we can we do to rectify matters. Given the multitude of crises facing the world today, it was never more crucial to begin to bring forth the remarkable abilities that lie hidden and dormant within us all which were at the core of his message.
During Saturday Lecture we will have Special Guest Singer – Denise Hagan Singing the “Christ Consciousness” and other amazing songs.
Lecture Only $30.00 ($35 at the door)
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