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John “Eesawu” Kimmey. It is curious how an odd idea from an obscure source, long unknown, ignored, or considered irrelevant, suddenly emerges to general public notice. The idea itself cannot alone account for its sudden spread and wide acceptance. Nor can the media which report it. Relevant though it may be, an idea first requires a fertile ground in which to take root and grow. And this must be the unconscious level of those who at last find in it something akin to their own deeper feelings.
We all stand today on the threshold of a new era, a new cyclical change in world history. But this glimpse into the mystical worlds of the Mayas, Navajos, Onondaga, Hopis and other ancient peoples carries a warning. If we are to avert a cataclysmic rupture between the spiritual and material, between our own hearts and mind, we must reestablish our relationship with all the forms of living nature.
In order to show the parallels between the ancient teachings of the Mayan Calendar and the Hopi Prophecy, we have invited John “Eesawu” Kimmey to join us in Vancouver for the 2010: Tipping Point Conference where he will explain the Hopi Prophecy and what it means for our near future.
If there was an appropriate term to describe the lifeworks of John Kimmey it would be as a ‘seedplanter.’ He has an innate characteristic of a visionary/community developer, working for years with the native people of the American Southwest.
John became a student of the elders of the Hopi village of Hotevilla, Arizona and became a student and traveling companion of the late Hopi Prophet and village leader, David Monongye. At the elders’ request John came to live in Hotevilla to assist them in a communication effort which reached out to the United Nations and many other world leaders.
While residing with the Hopis John was urged by the elders to return to Santa Fe and found an organization to collect and conserve native food crops of the Southwest. John founded Talavaya Center, a non-profit educational and research center which established a community seed bank of over 600 varieties of native cultivars. In 1984 Talavaya Center received the United Nations Environmental Programme Award for its successful efforts in the conservation of genetic diversity of important germplasm and the farming lore of the ancestral cultures of the Southwest.
Having received permission, John has become a foremost teacher of the Hopi Prophecy and the wisdom of the Hopi Elders which he has taught around the world and will be sharing at our 2010: Tipping Point Vancouver Conference.
More Info about John –
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