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Vancouver – based Devrah Laval is author of The Magic Doorway Into the Divine. She has been a spiritual counsellor and has facilitated numerous groups and workshops.
Her book is a spiritual non-fiction work that has been referred to as, “a road map of the spiritual journey”. It was used on curriculum in a college in Illinois in a class on Mysticism.
The vision for The Magic Doorway Into the Divine came to me while walking along a country road one hot summer’s day in the mid-1990’s. It was to be a simple book to be filled with poetry, meditations and conversations with God. A couple of years later, I met an East Indian mystic who, upon meeting me for the first time, said, “You must write that book, it will help a lot of people.” I was startled that he would know a secret that I had forgotten; but I was also inspired to begin scratching down a few notes. In the process, a larger force began to take over, and eventually my scribbles blossomed into this book.
The Magic Doorway Into the Divine chronicles a search that began 25 years ago when a life-altering mystical experience and profound healing awakened me to my true Self. The effect of this awakening changed my life so completely that everything that I had assumed to be true evaporated, leaving me in unknown territory. For many years I walked through a fire that opened my heart, seared my soul, and graced me with the knowledge that we are not just small, limited creatures. We are one with God’s love. – ISBN# 978-0-9784986-0-3
Please contact her if you are interested in participating in an upcoming on-line workshop.
Free viewer of the book on the inernet –,M1
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